Love horoscope for the week of 26 February to 4 March 2018 for all Zodiac signs

Techno 25 February, 2018

2018-02-25 22:59

Love horoscope for the week of 26 February to 4 March 2018 for all Zodiac signs
There is nothing better than to talk about love. To avoid difficulties, hackneyed phrases and clichés are advised to seek the advice of astrologers. Horoscope for that week will show you the best opportunities for the development of love.

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The uncertainty now will hover in the air, which is easy to get lost in romantic dreams. Each of us can indulge in wishful thinking. This week, courtesy and kindness will be interpreted as love. We begin to see signs of attention where they are not and can not be. Some even risk to fall in love in a dream image, so be careful. Venus in Pisces will make that period a successful one for all-consuming love, just need to know some nuances.


The rams should reject unsolicited advice of relatives and friends. This does not mean that loved ones need to ignore completely, because your partner is the only light in the window. Not at all. Listen and heed, keeping the proportion of healthy skepticism. Your advisers your experience that may be useful to you, but maybe not. The opinion of relatives is not the ultimate truth, so don’t hesitate to think with your head, especially if the opinion you impose. Under the supervision of the Sun in Pisces will want to instantly get rid of the problems in family life. But the way you have to be your personal and not imposed by anyone.


The stars advise Taurus to dream and to believe in the wish-fulfilment. At the behest of Venus, patroness of high feelings, your desires are realized in life. And to become a happy person, you have to believe that this is possible. During this period, your relationship will be sensual, but unreliable. Harmony in the pair will have to develop yourself. Make emphasis on this. Indicate a problem want to get rid of.


The faults of the beloved person, which are not amenable to correction, that is, almost all the shortcomings will surface and will provoke you to the emotions and not the positive. This week the illusions that you can change a person, will have to disappear. Restless Uranus in Aries will give you their power and you, this process does not affect: relations can burst at the seams. The thing is that all the positive partner will be blocked by your negative opinion. Uranus wants you to change, not the partner, not partner, and even themselves, and their attitude to everything. Learn to live with the fact that this world is not perfect — it is what it is.


In these seven days Cancers a window of opportunity in the relationship. The choice will be rich, the main thing — not to lose your head and not make mistakes that you regret. Direct you will the Month, or Monday she’ll be in your constellation, generously rewarding you with the energy of prosperity, and then throw in the lurch. That is why the beginning of the week should be linked with the beginning of something big: a serious relationship, strengthen marriage, the return of love or choice of partner. After it was launched, the universe will do everything herself. You will only have to watch the development of events, slightly adjusting the script.


Lions, the universe is warning you: do not rush. This week you risk to make a lot of mistakes, giving in to the selfish impulse. Astrologers report that reinforced the Neptune during this period you will be deprived of the main weapon is intuition. You certainly want to act on a whim and run into the arms of the partner on the will of the heart. However not the fact that you are there waiting with open arms. Better re-mark boundaries — if your household will consume you, the relationship will sink to the bottom. Surprise your partner and respect his opinion.


This week Virgo will feel emotional tension in the couple. Despite such predictions, the coming seven days well suited to strengthen relationship or to start a new, strong Alliance. Get ready: the passions will go off-scale. Mars will give you the impulsiveness and impetuousness. Fortunately, in your spontaneous actions will be the only positive side: love, attraction, desire to be near loved ones. Of course, there is the risk of running into a scandal and showdown, but it is only in the case that you will lose your head.


Get ready for a change. You just started Dating, you had a good reason, such as love. And if now everything goes on the thumb, you risk to be disappointed in love and each other. To sacrifice something you have both. This week you will have to change and work on yourself to get the relationship to a higher level. Venus will point out your shortcomings, and here will have to decide whether you are ready to change themselves for the sake of a loved one.


Astrologers and experts of the site I advise you Scorpios to find a new occupation. Your love story includes a lot of places and things that now will be associated with something ordinary and bland. No need to further dig into the routine, tear himself from her. Explore new romantic corners, where you two can hide from the negativity of Saturn, and the whole world.


This week Sagittarius relationship will be vulnerable as never before. Shoot negative energy of Uranium, which will make a comprehensive look for all sorts of reasons for suffering. And you risk to succumb to the temptation — I’ll try to arrange things so that the partner left, and fired from his job, and ideally all at once. It is not necessary to respond to the provocations of Uranium: if there is a desire to suffer or to row, to deter it with force.


Capricorn this week will torment the ghosts of the past. You risk most of the time to spend in the memories again, or become a victim of the former partner. Against Venus, against happiness, against the universe. The past is gone, no it won’t change anything. There is nothing constructive to appeal to the conscience of a broken three years ago of a heart or some other long-standing grudges. Now we need to think about the future, or at least to live in it.


Aquarius should understand one important thing: the former are those who must not be named. Never. Especially if asking your current partner. This week you run the risk to compare, even in thought, his ex-partner with a potential or already existing. It’s quite a different attitude. When you’re finished and some others started, the counters are cleared. Live what you have now: as seen from Saturn, about the past you do not even remember.


Any relationship, even the happiest, are toxic and come to a standstill when partners don’t want to talk about their feelings. In these networks can get representatives of the Pisces Sign. Everything will be smoothly and well, with the exception of the already accumulated innuendo and claims. You need to show your emotions without hints and games of “guess how I feel”. Express your feelings more specifically, this is the only guide for your partner.