Man found lifeless in the borough of LaSalle: it would be a murder

News 13 March, 2018

    Maxime Deland

    Tuesday, 13 march 2018 14:43

    Tuesday, 13 march 2018 14:43

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    MONTREAL – A man has been found lifeless Tuesday morning in a commercial garage in the borough of LaSalle, city of Montreal, in what has all the appearances of a murder.

    The emergency services were called Tuesday morning around 9: 50 p.m. in the garage located near a small shopping complex, at the corner of Newman boulevard and of the rue Lapierre.

    According to Urgences-santé, the maneuvers of resuscitation have been performed on the victim, but were then discontinued.

    The death of the man was found on the premises.

    In the early afternoon, very little information used to filter on this event.

    The Montreal police has dispatched its mobile command post to the scene and the investigators of major crimes attended to meet with witnesses in an attempt to understand the circumstances of this case.