National signs – that money always were

Techno 22 February, 2018

2018-02-22 19:06

National signs – that money always were
What are the signs to had a lot of money?

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Here are the main:

  • Need to sweep the floor from the threshold, not the threshold that the good of the house not to sweep.
  • In the evening do not sweep – the sweep at home
  • Garbage night is not thrown away – or to be robbed.
  • Immediately after the departure of any of the family members or staying at a friends house, floors not swept – the whole Sora will fly in pursuit, went, misfortune can happen on the road. Sweep in one apartment different with brooms – to disperse the corners of wealth, to click poverty.
  • To whistle in the house
  • In the house whistle – click poverty. If the whistle next to a different person – all the money he visistat. Who whistles in the key provided memory


Salt in the fire will get to the fight. Sol, sleep – be quarrel, in order to avoid the need to smile or hit himself on the forehead, and best of posypannoy a pinch of salt thrown over the left shoulder. Immediately someone in a joke to beat.

What not to do at night

  • To leave the knife on the table – big trouble. To leave the money on the table to loss of money. To leave the keys on the table – losing property.
  • Overnight the empty bottle on the table for lack of money. It is not necessary to wash the floors after sunset will wash their well-being.
  • Conspiracy money: account
  • The most important in the relationship with the money is their common phrase “money is like the expense” has not only the household but also magical.

Because the only thing the money is nice, is when they are considered. Recommend the following pattern: “pocket money” – to recount three times a day. In the morning, afternoon and evening. “money for necessary expenses” – to convert weekly on Friday night. “all the money” – twice a month on even numbers, at sunset. “new money” received in your family budget needs to be recalculated upon receipt from another person, and then for at least 20 hours to be at home in a dark secluded place. Only after the expiry of this period you can begin communicating with them. Counting money recommended nasamat, indoors, where you can’t look to a stranger.

Signs for prosperity and wealth

  • It is undesirable to stand in the doorway, so as not stuck that well-being goes to the house .
  • After the departure of the guests vitrahaus tablecloth on the street.
  • Debt give morning rather than the evening, so had a lot of money.
  • To have money, cut nails on Tuesday or Friday.
  • In inclement weather, nothing is better not to make public.
  • After sunset money not believe – that does not decrease.
  • Money on the table not put to losses.
  • The wallet is flat. The wallet should be the right to the money in it does not crumple. That had a lot of money in the purse need to put red or green mustard or cloves in a small cloth bag.
  • If you find a bill with his initials and coat it with oil patchouli or role, it will attract money.
  • The easiest thing to carry in my wallet big money bill (want – in rubles, in dollars or euros, essentially it does not change). To spend or to exchange a note not: it must be constantly with you to attract money in your wallet.

The main signs and rules related to money

Money does not happen much.

Money, if they can not give, do not give necessarily. Draws money does not happen. Money does not like light.

When there is no money, there is a lot where to spend it, and the larger the amount, the less desires. The more money, the more likely it is increasing (money attracts money).

Do not give money if the debtor has any monetary or other obligations.

You can’t lend a person, who have any responsibilities, he won’t return the favor, considering that he has that right.

The money should be loved, constantly thinking about them. When you return say, “so you’ve always had and I multiply”, passing the bill out of hand. The money you need to keep in the house (“money goes to money”), and regularly counted.

The coins should be in the corner of the room. The larger the slide the stronger the vibration. Not to sweep, not to take.

Do not let the loan on Tuesday and on the waning moon night.

Do not take money from hand to hand – they are well made damage.

Generously let’s tip for a job well done – will come back to you three times more.

Economic law – the higher your income, the more your expenses are. “and how many came and many gone.”

Do not borrow and do not return the money in the evening. If the situation is hopeless – put the money on the floor. Table, bedside-table. Not on the dining table.

Money should always be in circulation. You can’t save money “in the pocket”, it is better for the purposes of accumulation, use the Bank, to reduce the risk of several different banks. Money is like a turnover because it’s their native environment.

Need to get money with pleasure, and to leave them without regret.

Never set a goal – the accumulation of money. Since money can’t be the goal, and are only a means to achieve the objectives. ( possible objectives to be achieved with money – house, car, trip abroad, etc.).

Respect for money.

If you saw on the road a coin, be sure to pick it up, because if you pass, you show disrespect to the mountain of money he doesn’t need worship, but respect is mandatory.

Politely handle the money.

When they come to you, talk to them, for example “Hello, my coins, my little crunchy bumazhechki” or you can say “magic”

When they go out from you, tell them: “goodbye, coins, my little crunchy bumazhechki, I hope we will meet again soon”.

There are those signs that had a lot of money: do not give money undue importance to not give their non-existent qualities, money is just money and even accumulated a huge amount of money, you will not take them with him to the next world after death, can find many interesting things besides the service of them. Do not pick up a trifle, especially if it is at the crossroads, as many diseases are driving the change. Without the little things you do, and lifting it. Lose health and strength. All the detail in the house drop at the corners, saying: “let him arrive at my house!”

Detail is not wimette: the larger the pile, the more money will be.

During the funeral discreetly throw down the money, saying: “as dead, servant of God (name), from the tomb does not pass, so the servant of God (name) money from poverty, from home not going. Amen.”

The hryvnia and dollars put together, but only in different pockets.

Found in the morning on an empty stomach the money was not raised. When on your right you will see the young month, show him the money.

Donate at Christmas to the Church of money, any amount. Over money before giving them, say the words: “to whom Church not mother, to that I am not a father.” You will get the money from nowhere.

Magic conspiracies

People believed that with the help of certain spells, “protected” words and action, you can wield light and dark beings that held sway over them. Considering everything that surrounds a living person, for example, in the shadow of his saw something alive’ as part of himself; similarly, he looked at his image and even name.

In the opinion of the Gentiles, phenomena such as the rain, hail, lightning, thunder, hurricanes, earthquakes do not just happen, and we one or another deity managing these elements. They worshipped the sun, the moon, the stars, the spirits of the forests, seas, rivers, mountains, etc.

We know that our ancestors-the Slavs in ancient times also were pagans and believed in the same deity. More than a thousand years have passed since then, as the Slavs on the example of their Prince Vladimir, adopted Christianity, and now one will not call myself a pagan, and yet the people still preserved the belief in the existence of mermaids, wood-goblins, hobgoblins, witches, sorcerers, healers, in the mysterious power of conspiracies.

Conspiracies – it miraculously survived the formulas of ancient pagan spells which have reached us from time immemorial. Of course, they could not be preserved in all its pristine like other oral sites, and a significant distortion partly made devastating influence of time, partly the evolution of folk beliefs with the adoption of Christianity. However, the plots saved precious evidence of their verbal force and strict character who does not allow any intentional deviations. Their strength lies in the famous epic expressions, since ancient times, institutionalized formulas, and in the powerful closing force of the word.

The plots can be pronounced only for fun, because they have a terrible power that should not be awaken unnecessarily, in order not to bring trouble.

In ancient times, was pronounced in a loud voice. Their whispering was applied later when they saw a mysterious, secret knowledge that had to be kept secret from the uninitiated. Zagovornye words ceased to be available to everyone. Plots owned special people in charge of magic rituals, prayers, wizards, healers. The different times were mixed. But one thing remained unchanged – the words of the spells most often passed on from one sorcerer to another.

Power sagovornika words, to convince the mages, is boundless: it can control the elements, summon the thunder, storm, rains, fire, hail, and prevent them; to direct and to cast out evil spirits; to tie the mouths of the beasts, hands and feet of thieves; to multiply wealth; to give a person happiness, health, success and expose it to danger; to drive from an ailing sickness, and to send them with healthy; inducing sleep; of motivating girls and boys love or to cool the ardor of mutual passion; to awaken the powerful mercy, gentleness or ferocity and anger; to give the weapon accuracy and make the warrior invulnerable; to heal wounds, stop the bleeding – in short, zagovore word can work wonders, subordinating the will of the magician, both positive and pernicious effects of the whole divine nature.