Pokemon GO: Legendary raid passes arrive!

Techno 19 July, 2017

Users who are gifted with data mining (peeling an application’s source code) said they found the legendary passes in the last Pokemon Go update, which will allow them to capture legendary Pokemon during raids .

Will the Arlesienne finally point the tip of her nose after a year of waiting? Pokemonohub site crawlers went to the source code of the Niantic Labs app and discovered on Pokemon Go’s 0.69.0 update that legendary raid passes would soon arrive, announcing the appearance Of the said Pokemon. “We just completed the analysis of the Pokemon Go 0.69.0 assets, images, icons and texts, and it’s amazing!” They explain on the site. “More than a hundred new images have been added, but what surprised us most are the assets planned for the legendary raids.”

On the other hand, nothing more is specified with regard to the raids in question (aside from what is already known), or any other information concerning the legendary Pokemon that is not already known, the source code Having not yet revealed all its secrets. As for the update 0.69.0, it is reminded that it brings a lot of modifications, especially on the use of arrays, on pokemon arenas or on the addition of icons, such as the one you can see above. Two days ago, the editors were talking about Pokemon Go and a new accessory for the Pokemon Go Plus.