Protect yourself and your family from the evil eye. The best amulets are natural stones

Techno 27 January, 2018

2018-01-27 12:23

Protect yourself and your family from the evil eye. The best amulets are natural stones
There are numerous methods to avoid the evil eye, but it is better to give preference to those that are associated with various rituals and incantations of witches.

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So this world is arranged that the happier a person is, the more his detractors, reports Rus.Media. There is a category of people who by their own helplessness begin to envy, and sometimes, scary as it may sound, I bring the damage, doing lining up for failure or health problems. And no matter what you don’t believe in all these black things, go to Church, I wish you all good, else’s envy is always there, and it spoils your energy field and takes away life force.

There are numerous methods to avoid the evil eye, but it is better to give preference to those that are associated with various rituals and incantations of witches.

The best amulets are natural stones. In addition, they will protect your destiny and add vital energy, they also help to solve various health problems, such as to normalize the pressure. About the most powerful and affordable stones will tell you the edition of “So easy!”. In addition, they make beautiful decorations. So if the amulets you need, you can look after yourself a new accessory.

Guardian stones

It is important to consider the fact that the minerals are “female” and “male”. As a rule, the male stones Shine brighter and warm shades. Stones that need to use women matte and have cool colors. The stone from the evil eye and spoilage to pick up simply. To do this, look at your own horoscope and find out what stone suits your sign. But there are universal stones that are suitable to all people.

Black onyx

Strong protective power of black onyx. It is recommended to wear for people who possess an internal fortitude that is often the envy of others. In addition to protecting, he was still able to add strength and give a special energy. Helps to concentrate and to think clearly. Therefore, it is particularly recommended for business people and those who are busy with school.

Periodically amulet with black onyx must relax to produce his self-cleaning of accumulated negativity. I advise you not to accept products of this stone as a gift from strangers, because the stone can give negative.


This beautiful stone protects against the evil eye and various calamities. It also helps to protect health, so often used to make amulets for children. Also jewelry are advised to wear single people, because, according to esoteric, malachite attracts love and prosperity.

This is a very powerful stone. It is not necessary to carry. You can do some souvenir or just to keep in the house as a talisman against evil forces. They say that in homes where there is this stone, less quarrel.

Tiger’s eye

This is probably the most famous and common ward. Tiger’s-eye since ancient times is recognized as a powerful protector against all kinds of negative energy, including witchcraft, the evil eye and ancestral curse. This stone is an excellent amulet to protect family relationships and the home, so often it is advised to wear women.

Absorbing a lot of negativity, tiger’s eye can burst. In this case, don’t throw it in the trash, and bury in the ground.


Charms from chrysocolla help to drive away the bad thoughts and the consequences of someone else’s envy. Stone banishes phobias and prevents bad dreams. It is perfect for you if you often in public, or often seen on a bad glances. And the chrysocolla is considered a stone of wisdom.


Aventurine is incredibly beautiful, and many fall in love with him at first sight. Astrologers associate this stone with the symbol of eternal and pure love. As an amulet it protects from the evil eye and spoilage, brings happiness to its owner and encourages him in a joyful mood. Aventurine will give you the solar charge optimism.

This beautiful stone promotes creative potential, it is considered a faithful companion of writers and musicians, artists, actors and people of other creative professions.