Reliable test of psychological state

Techno 8 February, 2018

2018-02-08 15:54

Reliable test of psychological state
You are ready to go right now test psychological state in pictures, which will determine your current condition on what you prefer shape and color.

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Look at the pictures viice and select one which you like the most. And then, as usual, find description, read, and compare with what you have.

1. Carefree, playful, cheerful
Life for you – freedom and spontaneity. You try to enjoy every moment to the full.

Your motto: “We only live once!”. You are open to new experiences, curious and love change.
There’s nothing worse than feeling cramped circumstances. You are always welcome surprises.

2. Independent, direct
You always go his way. You do not recognize the limiting factors that prevent to choose their own course. Do you have artistic abilities that you demonstrate at work or in your free time. Your lifestyle is very individual. You will never blindly adopt what is now “in fashion”.

You live in accordance with their own ideas about life and beliefs. Even if it means swimming against the current.

3. Introspective, sensitive.

You more often than most people immersed in thoughts about yourself and the world around you. You prefer to be alone than to tolerate idle chatter and talk about anything. But your relationship with your friends very rich, and that gives you inner peace and a sense of harmony, so necessary for good health.
You are not inconvenienced for a long period of solitude: you rarely miss.

4. Life, balanced, harmonious
You appreciate the naturalness and simplicity. People comfortable with you because you are firmly standing on the ground and you can rely on. Those who are dear to you give you a sense of security, but at the same time is not embossed on them. You see a man soft. You are skeptical about the vagaries of fashion. In clothes you prefer practicality and discreet elegance.

5. Pragmatic professional, self-confident
You keep life under control and not rely on luck – only on their own actions. You solve problems in simple ways, avoiding the mess. You a realistic look at life and everyday worries, pick them up firmly. You trust at work, laying the critical part, because I know that you can rely on. Your strength of spirit is felt by others.
You never feel satisfaction until the end of the job.

6. Peace-loving, considerate, not aggressive
You are easy to communicate, but at the same time very careful. You make friends quickly, but at the same time, like solitude and independence. From time to time you need a break from everything and be alone with yourself to reflect on the meaning of life and enjoy privacy. You need space, but you are not alone.

You are in harmony with yourself and the world around you, appreciate what life offers you.

7. Self-confident analyst, you can rely on

Your lightning-fast speed helps you to know what constitutes real value – quality and durable. You gradually surround yourself with real gems that were released from those who are not so insightful and helpful. Culture plays a special role in your life.
You have your own style – elegant, exclusive, free from fashion.

8. Romantic, dreamy, emotional
You are very sensitive. You refuse to look at things solely from a rational point of view. You care what they say feelings. It is important for you to have dreams. You are not interested in people who deny the romanticism and based only on reason. You do not take anything that may limit the diversity of your emotions and feelings.

9. Dynamic, active, extrovert
You tend to take risks and to bind himself by some strong obligations in exchange for interesting and varied work. Routine it paralyzes you. Most of all you crave to play a leading role in the events.

You clearly show initiative in such circumstances.