The 3rd link is it really dead ?

News 31 March, 2018
  • Photo Simon Clark

    Andrea Valeria ,
    Marie-Christine Trottier and
    Émilie Bergeron

    Saturday, 31 march, 2018 01:00

    Saturday, 31 march, 2018 01:00

    Look at this article

    Flush out the false news, to verify the statements of politicians, find the real numbers : the research staff of our investigation agency, based in Montreal, Quebec and Ottawa, are experts in the art of re-establish the facts. Each Saturday, they will present their findings to allow you to see more clearly in the events of the week.

    The statement

    Accusing the government Couillard a “disinterest” for the third link between Quebec city and Lévis, the member caquiste Eric Cairo launched during question period in the national Assembly on Wednesday that ” the project is dead “, arguing that ” with the liberal Party, there will be no third link to Quebec “.

    The facts

    Unfortunately (or fortunately) for the QAC, the project of the third link is far from being dead.

    Like last year, it is always “study” in the Plan québécois des infrastructures (PQI) 2018-2028, filed this week.

    In December, the third link is even past the stage of” draft ” to “startup” at the launch of the tender for the opportunity study. To date,$ 20.5 Million has been allocated for the project office. The normal steps thus follow their progress.

    However, it seems that the mp in Cairo puts it in opposition to the projects of the 3rd link and the tram. The latter, after a$ 215 M, and several years of study, has passed the crucial stage of ” planning “, in PQI, where$ 1.2 billion have been announced for its implementation.

    The minister of Finance, Carlos Leitao said on Wednesday that the draft of the third link can move him also, ” once the studies we have revealed what are the real costs “.

    As to whether the liberal government will carry out or not the third link, it remains to be seen. Nobody knows which party will be elected next October, and will take up the torch of the project.