The ex-head of “RUSNANO” Melamed was released from house arrest : Crime news : Vladim

News 21 February, 2018

The ex-the head of “RUSNANO” Leonid Melamed and financial Director of the organization Svyatoslav Ponurov released from house arrest on February 22 at midnight. Information about this spread of the Moscow media, citing the words of the lawyer of the prisoners.


Themis’s representatives did not grant the request of the Prosecutor’s office against two managers, as the investigation allege violations contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation. Melamed and Ponurov will get complete freedom of action after midnight. Documents they send to the attorney General, because he signed them. Official provide evidence of irregularities in the investigation of the incident.

According to human rights activist, defending the interests of the prospective buyer, at the moment nobody can tell when the paper in a criminal case goes to trial. Ex-head of “RUSNANO” and Ponurova accused of financial dealings that led to the loss of the company for the development of high-tech products to 220 million rubles. The money allegedly embezzled Melamed and Bowed, but now to prove the involvement of managers to the theft failed.