TOP10 nakrasish colors of the world

Techno 17 February, 2018

2018-02-17 17:03

TOP10 nakrasish colors of the world
The world is incredibly beautiful. Especially admirable are the creation of nature like flowers.

The world is incredibly beautiful. Especially admirable are the creation of nature like flowers. They are able to lighten the mood, momentarily feel happy. Contemplating the transient beauty of flowers, we at least temporarily forget about troubles and sorrows, putting up with the injustice of the world. These creations of nature graces with its presence even in the cabin. Colors are great in number, and each has its fans among the people. However mankind for centuries have formed stable preferences among flowering plants, which conquered its extraordinary beauty. So, we will tell you about 10 most beautiful flowers among which was arranged as a pot and garden plants.


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The Orchid is considered the most beautiful flower on the planet. There are many types. Fragile and at the same time is excellent, with a lovely delicate flavor – there is hardly any person in the world who could not admire the Orchid. Flowering orchids are extremely diverse: delicate petals vary all the colors of the rainbow with various patches, spots, stripes, transitions. The flower has long been attributed magical properties, but it still looks extremely awesome, clean and sophisticated.

2. Kanna

The genus of this plant has about 50 members. The birthplace of the flower are South and Central America. Currently, Kanna is popular in Europe, it can be easily called one of the most beautiful garden flowers. Its brightness and unusual striking large flowers Cannes ovate-oblong or elliptical shape with a diameter of 8 see a Variety of paint buds: white, pink, yellow, red-orange with dots, stripes.

3. Strelitzia

This exotic plant is known and loved by gardeners because of the unusual shape. This is evidenced by the second name of the beautiful bird of Paradise flower. Strel petals are arranged so that they resemble the bright plumage of tropical birds. Luxury flower under natural conditions grows in the southern regions of Africa. We have also found it on a windowsill or in a cut. It is safe to include the bird of Paradise in the most beautiful of flowers.

4. Calla

To mention the most beautiful flowers, not to mention Calle – a simple and elegant plant native to the marshes of South Africa. Its flower looks like a leather piece wrapped around the inflorescence-cob. And it smells of feces gently and pleasantly, Recalling the smell of vanilla.

5. Mdlist red

Our top most beautiful flowers complements the rare plant – mdist red. Unfortunately, in the world there are only two species of this beautiful flower: in the garden of New Zealand and in the greenhouse the UK. Wonderful mdlist come from China, where it was completely destroyed.

6. The bleeding heart

This herbaceous plant has been added to the list of the most beautiful flowers in the world thanks to the original form of flowering. Its flowers look like a split in half heart, what we called the bleeding heart is a broken heart.

7. Hydrangea

The lightness and airiness occurs when you look at the front garden with flowering hydrangea. This shrub will decorate any garden, because it creates a fabulous mood. Its large inflorescences are white, pink, purple and blue shades.

8. Sakura

An essential symbol of Japan for many centuries, are delicate Sakura flowers. Their fragile beauty in white and pink colors pleases the inhabitants of the country of the Rising sun for very long – about a week. Sakura in the world is also called cherry blossom.

9. Gant

Many gardeners will gladly call the hyacinth, the most beautiful flower in the world. From early spring its long stems topped with a scattering of small bells white, blue, pink and purple hues with a strong flavor.

10. Lantana


Our list of the most beautiful flowers on the planet completes Lantana is a genus of the family verbenaceae that originated from tropical regions of Africa and South America. Shrub known due to the globose inflorescences, the colour of which changes during flowering from pale yellow to cherry-purple.