“Updated” feelings: how to be spontaneous in a relationship

Techno 7 February, 2018

2018-02-07 21:30

“Updated” feelings: how to be spontaneous in a relationship
There are many ways how to be in a relationship is the spontaneity! And this is very important because spontaneity always keeps the relationship a sense of novelty and the interest that constantly sparks between the two of you and pulls you to each other, reports Rus.Media.

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Embark on an unexpected journey.

It may even be a tour of your own city. Well, or a trip to a nearby town. Or, if finances allow, something exotic, foreign. The main thing here is spontaneity and lack of preparation.

Get together sports.

It can be athletics, badminton in the Park or a bike ride. Just do it spontaneously and then both of you are guaranteed to enjoy and benefit.

Start together to learn a new language.

It is a wonderful experience that will be remembered accurately. But first and foremost, you can learn all sorts of heavy and sexy buzzwords and actively begin to apply them in the bedroom along with sex variety.

Take part in the quest.

It is perfect team entertainment, which makes and think and run fast at the same time. The adrenaline’s pumping and the excitement just brims over with you both will definitely enjoy and you will definitely want to repeat!

Enjoy a creative home.

Arrange a creative weekend – buy paint and, as Andy Warhol, draw hands right on the floor! Just make sure the paint is well washed. 🙂 Although the joint cleaning can also really bring you closer.

Surprise partner.

It can be Breakfast in bed, romantic dinner, love letter, or a new non-standard sexual way – in a word, plug imagination, because you know him so well and know that can affect it.

Change the rhythm of your life.

For example, if he usually goes to the pub with friends, invite them to your house to watch football. Unless he is cleaning up, put on costume sexy maid and tell her that now it’s more up your alley. It’s going to be very unexpected and very nice!