What can you tell us about the character and abilities of fingerprints – a scientific approach

Techno 14 December, 2017

2017-12-14 11:27

What can you tell us about the character and abilities of fingerprints – a scientific approach
Fingerprints of each person is not just unique, they can tell a lot about the character and intellectual capabilities.

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Fingerprints of each person is not just unique, they can tell a lot about the character and intellectual capabilities, reports Rus.Media.

Features fingerprint studies the science of dermatoglyphics. Originating at the intersection of psychology, fingerprinting and forensics, it was used to clarify the details of a psychological portrait of criminals. It was founded in 1892, when the first scientific work on the subject of fingerprints and their relationship with personality characteristics of the person.

It’s not a palm reader and not another method of prediction, and strictly scientific analysis of the prints!

Consider carefully your fingers. Can make prints of all 10 fingers on a sheet of paper to make it easier to determine their shape and features.

Everyone knows that fingerprints are unique for each person. But scientifically there are 3 types of impressions: waves, loops and swirls.

Most often the people you meet 2 or even 3 types of prints, and it is very rare that there is only 1 type.

That’s what they mean.

Is Dominated By “Wave”

The person with this fingerprint is usually calm, even-tempered and easy-going demeanour. Such people are not willing to take risks. They rarely achieve dizzying success, but they are quite stable and average. They are easy to converge with people, but they cannot be called “soul company”. They tend to maintain good relations with friends, acquaintances and colleagues, but more family-orientated.

Among those with the most common pattern of people professions in the sphere of services: hair stylist, makeup artist, personal assistant, pastry chef, florist, Illustrator, interior designer.


“Waves” on the index fingers, talking about sociability.

“Waves” on the right hand more? It says temper, but tendency to quickly forget the insults.

The predominance of “waves” on the left hand suggests otherwise – such people are rarely offended over nothing, but if offended, then stay.

“Waves” on the big toes – a symbol of perseverance, of self-righteousness and even stubbornness.

“Waves” on the index fingers is found in emotional and impressionable individuals.

“Waves” on the index fingers – responsibility and devotion.

Dominated By “Loop”

People with this pattern is quite open, confident and ambitious. Priority self-development and expression, not material benefit. If the pattern prevails on the fingertips, such a person is quite well developed intellect and have a tendency to mental work. People with this pattern often can be found in the most ambitious projects. They can take a risk, taking part in a new business or even organizing it, is most likely to open their business, often start a career with Junior assistants and become CEO’s.

People with this pattern – energetic, hardworking, creative and persistent in nature. Such persons are at the forefront of development of most projects.


Hinges are located on the index finger – a good team player, ability to interact with colleagues, friends and relatives.

“Loops” on the middle finger – dependence on other people’s opinions.

Loops on the ring fingers and Pinkies – health. According to research, these people can often ill in childhood, but in adulthood does not seriously sick.

“Loops” more than 8 – the tendency to daydreaming and fantasizing.

Dominated By “Curls”

“Curls” – a vivid indicator of intelligence. The more fingers “curls”, the better developed brain. 10 “swirls” scientists often call the “stamp of genius”. Such a pattern is extremely rare and almost always it is possible to see from brilliant people: scientists, inventors and discoverers. A lot of “curls” means a well-developed logical thinking, ability to analyze, linguistic and mathematical abilities.

People with such patterns that people can easily learn several languages, and in adulthood to radically change the profession, having mastered something new. They also tend to relocate in search of more interesting work, or Vice versa, can devote all his life to one thing. They are completely indifferent to material possessions.


“Curls” on the thumbs – the tendency to dominance. Such people are difficult to work with in obedience.

“Curls” is on all fingers but the big – psychologically unstable personality. Such people can radically change their position in a matter of minutes.

“Curls” on the index finger, the person can take on so many cases at once, and often quite successfully to accomplish them all. However, such people find it difficult to focus, so they need a clear workflow.

“Curls” pinky – indecision and isolation. The owners of such marks incredulous, comfortable feel alone, they rarely agree with people, but if we met and become true friends or partners.