What will happen to Earth in 5, 10, 100 years – a forecast(video)

Techno 19 February, 2018

2018-02-19 09:55

What will happen to Earth in 5, 10, 100 years – a forecast(video)
2028 – alternative energy will become so cheap and widely available that will replace all the traditional types. In particular hydrocarbons.

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And this is just one example of the stunning changes that awaits humanity. Changes will gain momentum rapidly and irreversibly.

We live in the most interesting time in human history, according to renowned futurist ray Kurzweil. Auto 7 books, 5 of which have become bestsellers, and holds 20 honorary doctorates and was awarded distinctions from three American presidents, according to Rus.Media

This American is also the inventor of many technologies, starting from the first flatbed scanner to the first machine reader for the blind.

Today, 68-year-old scientist and inventor is a technical Director at Google, where he is engaged in development of artificial intelligence. Kurzweil recently made another batch of predictions. For many people they may seem too optimistic. However, one should not forget that technology is evolving exponentiale, not linearly. And who better than an internationally recognized inventor and theorist to know where, how, when to wait for breakthroughs in technology. So the forecast for 100 years from a reputable futurist planet: