You thought you were the Pope? Wrong! Some facts from the world of genetics

Techno 17 December, 2017

2017-02-16 21:16

You thought you were the Pope? Wrong! Some facts from the world of genetics
GENETICS (from the Greek. genesis — origin) is the science that studies the laws of heredity and variation in organisms.

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So: 1. Intelligence is not passed down from father to son. That is, if you’re a genius, your son is 100% not going to inherit your genes.

2. The idiocy is not passed down from father to son. If you are a complete moron, your son wouldn’t be such an idiot like you (you can).

3. The intellect of the father can be transmitted only daughter. And only half.

4. To inherit the intelligence of man can only from her mother, which she in turn inherited from his father.

5. Daughter geniuses will be exactly half smartas their parents, but their children will be geniuses. If their father is a schmuck, a daughter, will exactly half of dumb than their parents.

6. So brilliant women is almost non-existent, as there is no one hundred percent dur-women. But men geniuses and men of mediocrity very much. Hence, the generation of losers, alcoholics, single mothers, and Nobel prize winners (almost all men). Insights for men: 1. To predict the mental abilities of his son, in spite of his wife’s father (if he is an academician, your son will also be reasonable).

2. Your daughter will get half of your mind. But half your retardation. In intellect she is closer to you. Her son will get all of your brainpower. Want smart generation — dreams about daughter.

3. Your mental abilities from mom, but rather from his grandfather. Insights for women: 1. Your son-in-mind — your father and scold him: “you’re as stupid as your father” — not quite true.

2. Your daughter’s education will be about you, but in the mind as her father. Her sons are mental copies of your men.