Elon Musk showed his “space” toaster in Instagram

Techno 17 February, 2018

2018-02-17 15:18

Elon Musk showed his “space” toaster in Instagram
The founder of SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk, who recently successfully launched a space launch vehicle, the Falcon Heavy with the electric vehicle Tesla Roadster.

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The founder of SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk, as it turned out – a great connoisseur of the space Saga “Star wars.” In his Instagram he published a photo of the home toaster is made in the shape of a helmet is the greatest villain of the universe of George Lucas — Darth Vader, reports Rus.Media.

“My new toaster”, is briefly signed Musk.

In the comments users post photos of same toasters. Their price on the official website of the manufacturer not exceeding 50 dollars, but it is a real miracle for real fans of the space Saga “Star wars.”