In the US made a discovery capable of making a revolution in battery technologies

Techno 26 September, 2017

2017-09-26 11:27

In the US made a discovery capable of making a revolution in battery technologies
Physicists have discovered a unique share-Trianon with enormous stability and is able to bury the technology of lithium-ion batteries.

Researchers from the Virginia Commonwealth University (Virginia Commonwealth University) during the experiments has created a new unique share-Trianon, which has the highest stability among all such known particles, reports Rus.Media.

Note that the anions are referred to as particles, atoms or molecules with a negative electric charge, and triamine (tri-anion) are called particles, which contains three electrons more than protons. All known Trianon extremely unstable due to the electrical imbalance in their structure. They quickly lose their “extra” electrons, which violates the course of chemical reactions with their participation.

Note that the new particle Trianon was created with the assistance of scientists from Peking University, who created and calculated a mathematical model of particle BeB11(CN)12, which included quantum-mechanical component of the particle. This share is a complex molecule, consisting of atoms of boron, beryllium and nitrile groups.

“No one’s ever found triunion” – the researchers write – “In this part not only contains three electrons, but it is extremely stable, which allows you to use its unique properties in conducting a series of studies in physics, chemistry and other branches of science. And we have developed a technique may be used to search for other similar stable particles-anions”.

From a practical point of view, particles-anions there are many fields of application. “We found stable Trianon can become the basis of a new battery based on aluminium which will have a number of advantages over traditional lithium-ion batteries” – the researchers write – “Aluminum is much more common in nature than lithium, and it is less reactive. During the electrochemical reaction, by which the work of the battery, Trianon will provide the transfer of electric charge moving from one electrode to another.”

Unfortunately, at present, the use of triamino, dianions, particles with two “extra” electrons, and monoanions, particles with one additional electron, limited only batteries. “But these particles can be used for producing chemically active compounds used for cleaning and disinfection,” write the researchers, “these substances can be used for air purification, while creating new drugs and many other things. If you look at the future, the range of applications of different types of particles-anions are almost endless”.