Prince Harry will he ask Meghan Markle in wedding in Africa ? Why the rumor swells – Gala

Techno 5 August, 2017


On the occasion of the thirty-sixth anniversary of Meghan Markle, prince Harry and his wife boarded a flight to Africa. Would this be an opportunity for the young man to finally make his proposal of marriage. It is in any case what people think the british media.

Rumors of a possible union between prince Harry and Meghan Markle never end. Last may, at the end of the wedding of Pippa Middleton and James Matthews, the bookies would bet already that it would be the next member of the royal family to pass the ring finger of the one who shares, officially his life since November of 2016.

Today, while the couple is in Africa, to celebrate the birthday of the actress, born 4 August, the tabloids English are certain : this trip is the perfect opportunity for the prince to make his request. It must be said that between the savannah golden, wild animals and the twilights romantic, it is an environment conducive to declarations of love that awaits them. The all, far from prying eyes.

But the evidence that put the chip in the ear of His Majesty’s subjects are much more concrete. A source close to the couple reportedly told the Sun : “Harry is preparing this trip for a long time. Who knows what could happen while they admire set a sunset sensational ? He could ask her his hand“. What raised the suspicions of many that, knowing the attachment of the young man for the african continent. Regularly, the prince Harry goes on site within the framework of associations for the safeguarding of the species. Other detail and not least, it is in Kenya that prince William asked Kate Middleton to marry him in October 2010. Harry would it be coming to a store ? The response should not be a very long wait.

Meghan Markle

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