30 months in the shade for a “serious sexual assault” on an “unknown who struggled to stand up”

News 12 March, 2018
  • Archival Photo Kathleen Frenette
    Mad-Giovanni Turpin

    Kathleen Frenette

    Monday, 12 march 2018 15:01

    Monday, 12 march 2018 15:11

    Look at this article

    Mad-Giovanni Turpin has not had a sexual relationship with a girl, “a little drunk” on February 5, 2012. Rather, it has committed “a serious sexual assault” in respect “of a stranger who was struggling to stand up” and he received a total sentence of 30 months incarceration.

    • READ ALSO: sexual Assault on a girl babe: the parties do not agree on the sentence
    • READ ALSO: sexual Assault: he “dragged” his victim up to his car

    On the night of the event, “the accused met the victim while she was heavily intoxicated and that she was walking on the Wide path”.

    A few hours earlier, the young woman had left Beloeil Party Bus to join in on the fun at Dagobert. In the bus, the alcohol flowed freely to such a point that the young woman does not remember not even to be arriving in Quebec city.

    Upon entering the property the Large Driveway, she “does not go well and complains of a sore heart. She has difficulty walking”, was it written in the decision rendered last October by judge Christine Gosselin.

    Without any regard for the safety of the complainant, the latter was expelled by the bouncer of Dagobert, and she found herself in the street without a coat, in a little short skirt and camisole.

    It is at this time that Turpin has been approached for the lead in him. At this place, the accused had two sexual relations with the victim, including one without protection, while the young woman was not in a position to consent.

    “The actions of the accused demonstrate a lack of consideration for the health and safety of the victim. They demonstrate his willingness to impose its desires and use it for the simple purpose of satisfying his urges”, emphasised the president of the Court which has convicted the accused.

    Victim relieved

    At the end of the room, the victim of Turpin is said to be “relieved” by the decision after six years to pass through the judicial system.

    “When I denounced it, I’ve done it for me, but I’ve also done it to other girls. I hope that my story will speak, and that it will encourage other people to report,” she said, flanked by his parents.

    She has also stated that he found it “a pity to see that a campaign of sociofinancement” had been put forward by the friends of Turpin who believe, even today, that man has been wrongfully convicted.

    On the page Facebook of the group, one can also read that the life ‘of a guy, sensational, loving, kind, polite, gentle, passionate and always willing to help” is shifted when it is “come to the aid of a woman alone, shivering outside in the winter, without a coat, at the exit of a nightclub”.