32 secret key combination on your keyboard that you didn’t know
2018-02-08 20:30
32 secret key combination on your keyboard that you didn’t know
The feature list of this button, which will certainly be useful to every Windows user.
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Many things will become easier, reports Rus.Media.
The Win button, which can be found on the keyboard of a PC-compatible computers, serves not only to invoke the menu “start”. Its use in combination with other keys simplifies the work on the computer and saves time.
Here is a list of features that would be useful to every Windows user.
Win — open/ close menu “start” in Windows 8.1 — open the previous window;
Win + A to open the notification Center (the Windows 10);
Win + B — select the first icon in the notification area (you can then switch between icons arrow keys);
Win + Ctrl + B — switch to a program that displays a message in the notification area;
Win + C — to show sidebar “Charm Bar” (in Windows 8 and 8.1), Windows 10 — Cortana to call (when using a supported language);
Win + D — show desktop (instantly minimize all open Windows);
Win + E — open file Explorer in Windows 10 by default opens the quick access Toolbar»;
Win + F to open “find files»;
Win + Ctrl + F to open Search for computers»;
Win + G — display gadgets on top of other Windows (only in Windows 7 and Vista); to open game panel, Windows 10;
Win + K — open the new menu “start” — “Connection” (in Windows 8, 8.1);
Win + L — switch user or lock workstation;
Win + M — minimize all Windows;
Win + ? Shift + M — restore after minimizing the window;
Win + O — disable screen rotation (turn off the gyro reaction to the tablets);
Win + P to switch modes with an external monitor/ projector (only in Windows 7 and newer);
Win + Q — open search panel for installed software (tested on Windows 8);
Win + R — open the window “Run»;
Win + T to switch the focus to the taskbar (only Windows 7 and newer);
Win + U — open ease of access Center;
Win + W — open the Windows Ink Workspace (note, the screen);
Win + X — open mobile Windows application (for mobile computers only in Windows Vista and 7);
Win + Y — open the Yahoo! Messenger (if installed).
Win + Pause — open system properties;
Win + F1 — open help and support Windows;
Win + 1 … 0 — start/ switch to program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number (only in Windows Vista and later);
Win + ? Shift + 1 … 0 — start new instance of program pinned to taskbar in position indicated by the number (only in Windows 7 and newer);
Win + Ctrl + 1 … 0 go to last active window of the program pinned in the taskbar in the position indicated by the number (only in Windows 7 and newer);
Win + Alt +1 … 0 — open the jump list of a program pinned in the taskbar in the position indicated by the number (only in Windows 7 and newer);
Win +↑ — maximize the window (Windows only 7 or later);
Win + ↓ — restore/ minimize the window (Windows only 7 or later);
Win + ←or → to switch the deployment mode of the window (including between monitors in multi-monitor configurations) (only in Windows 7 and newer);
Win + ⇧ Shift + ←or → — move the window between monitors in multi-monitor configurations
(only in Windows 7 and newer);
Win + ⇧Shift + ↑ or ↓ — stretch the active window from the top to the bottom edges of the screen/ restore window size;
Win + Home — minimize/ restore all open Windows except the active one (Windows 7), go to the top of the web page;
Win + Spacebar — take a look at your desktop (only Windows 7)/ change the layout (only in Windows 8 and 10);
Win + + — activate the magnifier/ zoom image to 100 % (only in Windows 7 and newer);
Win + — — when you active the magnifier to zoom to 100 % (only in Windows 7 and newer);
Win + Esc to disable the magnifier (Windows only 7 or later).
Keyboard OS X
Command + up Arrow — scroll up a snapshot of any web page.Command + down Arrow — scroll down a snapshot of any web page.
Command + 1 (2, 3). Use these keys to conveniently switch between open tabs in your browser. Command + 1 takes you to the first tab,
ommand + 2 will take you to another, etc.
Option + Delete will delete words one at a time, not one letter. It works on all OS X, regardless of whether you are typing in TextEdit, or even when you enter a website in the address bar of your browser.
Command + H — quickly minimize all open Windows in currently active application.
Command + Shift + T to quickly open last closed tab in browser.Option + Shift + volume up / volume down — Increase or decrease the volume with much smaller increments.
Ctrl + Command + Spacebar — displays the keyboard characters and emoji