8 reasons why people are not getting rich

Techno 19 October, 2017

2017-10-18 22:11

8 reasons why people are not getting rich
Each of us has his own karmic corridor.

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The article is a psychologist, philosopher Dmitry Makovey about the reasons why people do not become rich, reports Rus.Media.

1. Karmic locks.

Each of us has his own karmic corridor. All human beings are born in different conditions and with different capabilities. If you take the horoscope of a person, it is possible to see which areas of life are open and which are not, what the world will be a positive influence, and which on the contrary to bear the risk. Despite the fact that karmic corridor invisible, at the same time it has a solid base, walls and ceiling. It shows the highest degree of evolutionary development of the soul in this incarnation and the bottom of life, point of fall, if people will take the path of degradation.

Considering the karmic circumstances, we can say that a person in the course of life are given 2-3 situations for analysis. They will the field is unknown, but if they cling to financial aspects, then they need to be addressed outside of corridor, because inside of it you’ll be spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, to make many actions with minimal effect.

What do you think, in which case the speed doesn’t matter? Probably only when you are moving in a circle. You’re just in a shorter period of time doing what used to do for a long time, come to the beginning which is the end, well, what of that? The repetition of the same action hoping for a different result is madness. If you work more than one year, and the financial state is not changed, or changed not for the better, it is worth considering why this happens?

The Finance sector is the social sector, but if it is a problem, it is necessary to look for solutions elsewhere. Now there are many different techniques to influence the future, so that people can improve their income level, but it usually leads to a lack of you in other areas.

You can pump all the life energy from health and relationships, and be the richest man in the cemetery. How’s that for perspective? If you do not like, then do more wisely and trust the signs of life. Only he knows where and with whom you need to be to bring with a dead-end road for maximum realization.

For eternity the most important thing that the soul remained blooming. If she’s all right, you can have a healthy body, financial independence and social status. However, if you had money and you had a ball, life will take the first wealth, but if not rest and health, and this is only in order to save the soul, as it is a priority to all existing.

2. The wrong choice of a life partner.

Relationships – one of the main components in a person’s life. I don’t mind: if the person is single, he may be more happy than he is with his other half. Can even say more, the most famous and successful people were single. Why is this happening? If two people have found each other, formed a vicious circle. They live for each other, and external circumstances affect them indirectly. If the man himself, a vicious circle is not communicating with the world, with all of Creation and the incomprehensibility that exists there.

But since we live in a society, it is the family is considered the unit of society. And how they built relationships, depends happy or not. Even say more, people will be able to realize and transform into the person or not. You never will know what symbiosis will come from your Union, but there are certain laws that are clear and at the household level: if the boat two people and everyone rowing in his side, the boat will stay in place. Also if you don’t know what it is necessary to paddle, the situation will not change too.

At the head of the relationship will be considered the factors to consider when choosing a half, but for now let’s move on.

3. Greed.

Greed is one of the seven sins that destroy the soul. As the filter through which the person looks, based only on their own benefit, not for the greedy glorious and shameful, and business week, correct and immoral, good and evil – there is only profitable and not. As a result, it weakens the mind, then lost the shame that will cause the decay of virtue and the destruction of well-being and result in poverty and death “on a pile of trash.”

If you think that would be more generous and happy if you have a little more money, you put the cart before the horse. First you have to prove that fate is a person, and then she will give prosperity, because otherwise the money will just expose your shortcomings. The desire for total savings – not a sign of wisdom, and an indicator that you feel the imbalance of income and expenses and come to resolve it with the wrong hand. An intelligent person knows that not scanty hand of the giver, and therefore is willing to pay for stuff and info and also to bless those people who get in his way. Greed in the financial sector automatically leads to the poverty of the emotions and the personal sphere. Man becomes greedy for help, smiles, compliments, thereby drying its internal state.

4. The lack of a “Golden mean”

The modern man is very often negatively affects the integrity, as he continuously rushes from one extreme to another. There are two categories of people: first of all believe, don’t believe in anything. For a tree to grow, it needs its roots to go deep into the ground. However, it should not be constantly focused on your roots, otherwise no process will occur.

To become socially free and rich, he must have a strong mind, which will distinguish the true from the false grain. Modern man wants to become rich in the shortest possible time with minimum effort. Today put “the turnip”, and tomorrow its enormous size to dig, and even to invite the Committee of the Guinness book of records, so they don’t forget to write all this down in history. In fact, in the story is difficult to get, but getting caught it easily.

Now, lovers of easy money very often attract a variety of situations. They grew up, but still believe in the fairytales they tell the scammers in the media. They are like vacuum cleaners suck up all the information the mud, which subsequently is deposited as soot on their interior mirror. Of course, in such circumstances, the mind can not be strong, and he’s like swinging the pendulum in one direction or the other. They set to work, but once faced with difficulty, clutching at the other. After a while, the crowd shouts, so nobody works and the considerable money it obviously will not bring. In the end, they throw a second case and a third, which meets the latest innovative technologies. And so it continues indefinitely, until they’ll be left with nothing.

You must understand that there are things impossible even if they wanted to translate into the category of fast food. If this stretches your soul, despite the materiality of the modern world, a platform is necessary to place spiritual principles. These germs are not visible immediately, but they will bring wealth and freedom in your life.

The second category – people who don’t believe in anything. They chose model of behavior the victim and forget that the only “permanent” life is “variables”. They closed themselves in their own little world, not even trying to change anything. So they go to work, get their crumbs and complain, complain, complain. The world is always full of possibilities, but they exist for everyone but them. Maybe deep down they would like to change something, but the fear of disappointment is much stronger than the joy of victory. It very strongly reminds one of the proverbial parable.

The dog and the nail.

One day a man walked past a certain house and saw an old lady in the rocking chair beside her, rocked in the chair the old man, reading a newspaper, and between them on the porch was the dog whined as if in pain. Passing by, the man himself wondered why the dog whines.

The next day he again walked past this house. He saw an old couple in the rocking chairs and the dog lying between them and gives the same plaintive sound. Puzzled man promised myself that if tomorrow the dog will whine, he will ask about it among elderly couples. On the third day of her misfortune he saw the same scene: the old woman rocked in the chair, the old man was reading a newspaper, and the dog in his place whined plaintively. He was no longer able to stand it anymore.

– Excuse me, Madam, – he addressed the old woman, – what happened to your dog?

– With her? – she asked again. – It is a nail.

Embarrassed by her answer the man asked:

– If it is a nail and hurt her, why doesn’t she just get up?

The old woman smiled and said friendly, gentle voice:

– So, darling, it hurts so much to whine, but not enough to budge.

So: these people will always whine and complain, but to stay in one place. They closed themselves in their own little world, it has become dogmatic and stereotypical. Every day their domestic laws make the life in prison, turning their existence into a set of template rules and actions.

5. Wrong thinking.

Life is hard and unfair. All good places are already bought. In this country it is impossible to break. Around discrimination, corruption, rudeness, bases, crime is a normal person, there is no road to success. With all this I agree, each potential failure to justify their inaction. All the attention is directed to the finding of gray tones, to once again mourn. A victim mentality. Here, alas, does not help if to see things in shades of grey. The above thoughts can not jump, and if such a mantra spoken over the years, be it that you’re doing your layer of reality tasteless and gloomy.

The picture was clear and elastic. Basic low frequency energy is a fixture in all areas of the subconscious and builds on the outer plane one negative experience after another. The result is fired from the 5th job in a row, the market slips damaged goods, stumbling on level ground and constantly run up against street thugs. I’m sorry, but it is only your reality and that you formed your thoughts.

There are several basic personality types that will never achieve success in life:

The “zero”.

Each of us earns a different amount of money per month. But this category of people at the end of the month have a balance of zero. How much would they have earned at the end of the month they’ll spend it all. They sincerely believe that their purchase is really necessary, and if they got even a little more, it definitely would be postponed to his own. And so they live from paycheck to paycheck, mentally visualizing and laying out on the shelves the money yet.

A “minus”.

Here people spend more money than you can afford. Credit card and smiling staff banks will gladly help them to be in debt. Consumer credit is the basic “trick”. They talk about “in debt as in silks”. After all who does not want to become a successful, does not want to understand the difference between a useful loan taken for the development of their own business, and slaughtering loan for the purchase of a car or apartment. These people are often like “vampiric” to their plight, go to visit with empty hands or vankiva relatives different kinds of handouts.

“Zero idiot”.

In this category people can live more modest than his income, putting a certain amount. But the main problem is that their negative opinions, so they always leave money for a rainy day. Thereby attracting to itself the exclusive disasters.

The output, of course. The optimism and desire to start living a different life will close doors of evils, and gradually re-formed formed beliefs in something light.

6. Financial illiteracy.

Any professional is not only information, but also knowing what to do. All of us know the 7 notes, but how many brilliant works have you created? All of us have money, but someone they go in an unknown direction, and someone multiplied. I have already said that money is energy, and how you get along with her, is determined by your success.

One of the main criteria why some people are financially independent, and the second to eke out a miserable existence, an understanding of the assets and liabilities. The asset is that part of the money that is accumulated in the attachment and give a premium to the original amount. Liabilities – money that leave and never come back. In our age of Hyper-consumption people are just obsessed with the liabilities, for all that tinsel, which is advertised and creates the illusion that through these things they will become happy. So people, don’t even hesitate buying one unnecessary product after another. Moreover, what the money is going, and besides, the stuff pays for all of the living space. The result is: not things serve man, and man things.

Typically, such people have no goals, and the absence of vector leads to the marking place. One thing I want is replaced by another, and to set aside at least 10% to realize his dream, as unreal as and donate 10%. And this is precisely the two main levers to exit the confines of poverty.

The first paragraph creates the effect of the dam: delaying a small amount of money, thereby teaching the person to live more modest his means, and ultimately to accumulate a certain amount to invest in their own business.

The second paragraph harmonizes the situation in the external world, pulling in human experience happy offers and communication, bringing people to freedom and independence.

You can work a lot, but you can work wisely. There are two basic truths: a penny, not scanty hand of the giver. But they are beyond the understanding of the average person. So it still similar to a squirrel wheel – a lot of unnecessary movements and low result, staying, despite the Herculean efforts, essentially in the same place.

7. Occupation is not their job.

Each of us has the propensity to those or other spheres of life. They have us there, and our task is to uncover them and to follow that path. It is clear that we always like to do the things that we are good at it and not go into areas where we are unprofessional.

However, in this world we often go on about the invisible illusion that our true mission is necessary for nobody and money will bring. All this leads to the fact that a person comes to a dead end of evolution and stops, not seeing the future moves.

Sruli Blatnick, American journalist and author of several books, conducted an interesting study: of 1500 people in the survey were divided into two categories. In the first category were people who sought primarily to get rich, and secondly – to realize their dreams. In the pursuit of money was 1245 people, which accounted for 83% of all participants in the experiment.

The second category was recorded by those who first and foremost wanted to follow “the call of the soul” and work that brought them great pleasure. They believed that if they committed to their dream, that would be rich.

After 20 years, the results shocked Blotnica and the public:

Of the 1,500 who participated in the experiment, 101 people became millionaires.

1 but only wealthy people were in the first group, whose members primarily motivated by money.

The other 100 millionaires became rich, doing favorite work. For 100 people, the money was secondary, but as a result they became millionaires.

8. He doesn’t need it

The richest person is not the one who has and one who least of all needs. One of the main problems of the modern world is materialism. People collect figurines, frames, figures, not even thinking that for every thing he has to pay not only money, but also time in maintenance.