9 amazing tricks with aspirin, which is useful to know each woman. It will completely change my life!

Techno 1 October, 2017

2017-10-01 21:11

9 amazing tricks with aspirin, which is useful to know each woman. It will completely change my life!
Aspirin, of course, is the most popular analgesic tablets.

Incredible! A simple aspirin can replace many tools! It’s worth a try!, reports Rus.Media.

Aspirin, of course, is the most popular analgesic tablets.

Most of us daily take it against cardiovascular and other health problems, but not many people know that tablet is perfect for many other purposes.

Here are 9 tricks with aspirin, which you did not know:

1. Insect bites.

The local application of aspirin is easy to cope with the irritation from insect bites and prevents infection. Crush aspirin and dissolve in a tablespoon of water, then wipe with a mixture of the affected area.

2. Lightens the skin under the arms.

Many people have dark skin in the underarms, which can ruin their self-esteem.

To solve this aesthetic problem, you need to dissolve 2 crushed tablets of aspirin 1/2 Cup of warm water, then apply the mixture on dark spots and leave it for 60 minutes. Then rinse with water.

Repeat this process every day until you see positive results.

3. Eliminates dandruff.

Crush 2 aspirin and add the powder to your favorite shampoo and then wash your hair as usual to quickly and effectively eliminate dandruff.

4. Eliminates acne.

Aspirin copes with various skin problems due to the high content of salicylic acid.

Crush the aspirin and mix it with a few drops of water then apply the paste on the pimples and leave the mixture overnight. Wash your face with cold water in the morning, and repeat the process every evening before going to sleep.

Don’t forget that this method is not suitable for sensitive or damaged skin.

5.Removes sweat stains.

Mix 2 crushed tablets of aspirin 1/2 Cup of warm water, then apply the mixture directly on the spots. Leave the clothes overnight then wash as usual and the stains should disappear.

6. Softens and removes calluses from feet.

Corn is hard enough to treat, but the aspirin softens and removes them. 7 crush the aspirin, mix them with ? a teaspoon of lemon juice and, if necessary, add a little water.

Apply the paste on corn and around them, then wrap feet in a warm cloth or towel and cover the bag. Remove the wraps after 10 minutes, then RUB the corn with a pumice stone. Repeat the process every day, until the corn disappears.

7. Face mask.

This mask can clean and soften the skin on the face and keep it healthy.

Crush 5 aspirin and mix with 2 teaspoons of natural yogurt, then apply the mask on face and leave for 20 minutes.

Once done, rinse the face with plenty of water and apply an intensive moisturizer. Repeat this process for 2 weeks and your face will be cleaner and softer than ever.

8. Adds Shine to your hair.

Over time, our hair begins to lose volume and Shine, but the aspirin might get him back. Add 8 crushed tablets in a Cup of warm water, then apply the mixture on your hair and leave it work for 15 minutes.

At the end rinse the hair with water, and they will become more silky and shiny than before. You can get the same results by adding 5 crushed aspirins to your favorite shampoo.

9. Increases the longevity of your flowers.

The flowers in your vases at home quickly fading, but adding one crushed tablet of aspirin in a vase can save them for a longer time.

As you can see, aspirin is not just a simple analgesic or antipyretic tablet — it has many other applications that can make your life easier, so we suggest to try these tricks.