Battle of the bear and the tiger in India caught on video : In the World : Vladim

News 2 March, 2018

Visitors of the Safari Park in India took video of the fight between a tiger and a bear. Defending its territory, a tiger attacked a bear with a cub.


Visitors of the Safari Park in the state of Maharashtra in India saw and filmed the frightening and fierce battle of the two predators – the tiger and the bear. As eyewitnesses told, the tiger Madakor rested at the water’s edge at the time, as it suddenly approached the bear with their offspring. To protect their territory, a tiger attacked a female, which, in turn fiercely defended themselves and the bear. At the end of the fight, the victory won by the bear.

Local zoologists consider it a victory dipper in this fight is atypical, as the tigers have more strength and speed. However, the advantages of a bear-sloth has always been his great height – the height at the withers of the animal reaches one meter, which corresponds to the same parameters in a tiger. In addition, the tiger couldn’t catch a bear and because of the great thickness of its fur.