A 19-year-old has been accused in Sherbrooke for having shaken his or her child of six weeks

News 2 March, 2018
  • Jean-François Desbiens

    Friday, 2 march 2018, 18:10

    Friday, 2 march 2018, 18:13

    Look at this article

    SHERBROOKE | Suspected of having shaken his little boy aged just six weeks, the young father of 19-year-old has appeared in the end of the day Friday in the palais de justice de Sherbrooke under a charge of aggravated assault endangering the life of her child in danger.

    Without a criminal record, the accused has been released under many conditions.

    We may not identify the suspect in order to preserve the identity of the infant and his mother.

    The young man will return to court on April 25.