Ouellet responds to a question from his political attaché
Last 22 February, the mpp held a press conference to which no journalists attended.
Patrick Bellerose
Friday, march 2, 2018 21:16
Friday, march 2, 2018 21:16
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The “transparlementarisme” attracts so few reporters in Quebec city that the mna Martine Ouellet has been reduced to respond to a question, an employee’s policy at a recent press briefing at the national Assembly, which is however forbidden.
Since she became leader of the Bloc québécois, Martine Ouellet holds regular press briefings to the national Assembly (where she is also a member) to decide on topics which relate to both Quebec city and Ottawa. The member for Vachon has named this approach ” transparlementarisme “.
But the press briefings of the chief bloquiste are not run by journalists on parliament hill in Quebec city. Generally, one or two corresponding members of parliament are attending.
Sometimes, as on 8 December, Martine Ouellet is addressed only to the camera, without the journalists in the room.
Question on language
The member is obviously not the first to be elected to convene a press conference to which no journalists will participate. The ex-member of Québec solidaire, Françoise David, was sent several times to the camera in front of an empty room.
But on 22 February, the mpp held a press conference at the salle Bernard-Lalonde to denounce the application made to the CRTC by the organization English Language Arts Network to allocate 10% of budget of Télé-Québec content in English.
Due to the lack of journalists in the room, the political attaché of the chief bloquiste, Nathaly Dufour, has launched a question as to whether the refusal of the government Couillard ” to apply article 11 of act no. 104, which was adopted 16 years ago, that Quebec is a institutional bilingualism, encourages anglophones to ask for ever more “.
However, only accredited journalists are allowed to attend the press briefings. The exchange was recorded in the transcripts of the national Assembly and the video was shared on the page Facebook of Martine Ouellet.
Asked to explain, Nathaly Dufour asserts that it has raised the question of its own initiative and that the chief bloquiste not that it had not given the directive. “I didn’t know that I had not the right,” says the ex-interim president of Option nationale and former journalist, cultural.
After the press briefing, Martine Ouellet advised that the employee policies were not to ask questions during the press briefings. “She was not super happy, but she understood that I didn’t know that,” says Nathaly Dufour.