A rash promise of sex from the blogger led her to escape from the crowd : In the World : Vladim

News 7 March, 2018

Recently 19-year-old little-known blogger made a rash act. The girl reported that will have sex with any guy who wishes to do so. She named a hotel in which to wait, and when the hotel was full three thousand people, she had to flee.


In one of the Chinese resorts occurred simultaneously funny and shocking case. 19-year-old blogger was offered a in one of the chats online. After a while the message girls answered hundreds of men and boys who crowded in the hotel. However, there were those who came to her room and began to knock on the door. It scared blogers that she has removed his proposal and wrote that it was just a joke but wish it didn’t stop. They decided to achieve its. The number of applicants reached three thousand.


The girl didn’t know what to do and decided to request help from the staff. Workers at the right moment could bring blogers to the Parking lot and put in a taxi. After some time the guards arrested her. The court decided that the proposal blogers is nothing like prostitution. She was arrested for 15 days and fined 500 yuan.