A help of$ 34 Million for a baker “innovative”

News 7 March, 2018
  • File Photo Martin Alarie
    The baker French Bridor will obtain the loan from the government of Quebec to modernize its facilities in Boucherville.

    Charles Lecavalier

    Wednesday, march 7, 2018 07:09

    Wednesday, march 7, 2018 07:16

    Look at this article

    PARIS | Le boulanger French Bridor will obtain a loan of$ 34 Million from the government of Quebec to modernize its facilities in Boucherville.

    “This project aims to integrate new technologies and to support the development of the business in Canada,” said the delegate general of Québec in Paris Beauchamp, Wednesday, in the framework of an economic mission of prime minister Philippe Couillard in France.

    “This large-scale project, which will be completed at the end of the year 2018, will allow the integration of new technologies to support the growth of the business”, one can read in the documents distributed to the media. The “innovative manufacturing” Bridor, which designs and manufactures traditional bakery, pastries and fine pastries, will use this loan to finance the renovation of its facilities in Boucherville, a project of$88 Million.

    In addition to its plant in Boucherville, Bridor has facilities in Montreal and in Vineland in the United States.

    Mr. Couillard visit Wednesday, the chamber of commerce and Industry of Paris where a score of other partnership arrangements between agencies and businesses in québec and france have been signed.