Near a scientific officer on both the federal says she is the victim of gender bias
Photo archives Agence QMI
Christopher Nardi
Wednesday, march 7, 2018 14:43
Wednesday, march 7, 2018 14:43
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While the Trudeau government says the defendant of the interests of women in all forums, a survey reveals that nearly a federal government employee in the field of science on two believes that gender bias slow down, or block their career path.
“There is evidence and there is a general impression… that the policies and practices of recruitment and management of people hinder the progress made in the field of diversity and inclusion.”
This is according to a new survey conducted by the trade union, the professional Institute of the public service of Canada (PIPSC) survey of more than 3000 of its members.
In addition, 27 % of women reported having the impression that men were favored in the hiring process for management positions.
A more in-depth analysis of the new hires in management positions in the department of natural Resources has revealed that when the gender is known, men are more often hired.
“Too often, candidates do not meet the qualification requirements by reason of an interruption of employment for family responsibilities and dependent care,” details the report of the survey.
The results of this survey come just a week after the Trudeau government has released a federal budget focused on gender equality and the advancement of women in scientific fields.
More details to come…