The speed that she took killed her baby, she admits

News 17 March, 2018
  • Photo courtesy

    Claudia Berthiaume

    Friday, march 16, 2018 12:07

    Friday, march 16, 2018 12:07

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    The mother of a family from Saint-Jérôme has confessed on Friday that his use of methamphetamine was the cause of the death of his baby of six weeks, who died after having been breastfed.

    The lady, the 31-year-old has admitted to having caused the death of his child by criminal negligence, may 18, 2016.

    On this day, the mother of the family woke up in a panic stating that her baby, who was lying on her, breathing more. The child of six weeks was completely blue and the accused was immediately called 911.

    Initially, the doctors of the Hôtel-Dieu de Saint-Jérôme believed in the syndrome of sudden infant death syndrome.

    Further investigation, including autopsy and blood work, however, has been requested by the coroner Denyse Langelier.

    The blood tests revealed the presence of caffeine and amphetamine in the blood of the child, as well as a high rate of methamphetamine (crystal meth), 160 mg/ml.

    Speed before breast-feeding

    Confronted by police in the wake of this discovery, the mother confessed to having consumed a pill of speed the day before, before breastfeeding her baby.

    The wife of 31 years has done so to fight the sleep, told the court his lawyer, Simon Dolci.

    The death of the child would be due to intoxication by drugs as well as two medical problems, one reads in the summary of facts filed Friday at the courthouse in Saint-Jérôme.

    The mother had also consumed cannabis during most of her pregnancy, since she was unaware of being pregnant.

    Both parents of the child were arrested in December 2016, at the end of the police investigation.


    The mother was released during the judicial procedures provided to follow a therapy closed about his drug use.

    The lady of 31 years old has given birth to another child in the last year, of which the guard was withdrawn by the Directorate of youth protection (DYP). She starts to barely have contact with this baby.

    “Madame has taken his life in hand “, has shown Me how to get to the judge Michèle Toupin.

    The accused will return to court in June for representations on sentencing.

    The cause of his spouse is scheduled for next month.