30 months in prison for fondling a child
Photo courtesy
Nelson Fountain
Sophie Side
Monday, 19 march 2018, 19:30
Monday, 19 march, 2018 19:32
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A man of 47 years old from Quebec has been sentenced to a sentence of 30 months in prison for having attouché sexually several times a child under the age of 14 years 10 years ago.
Nelson Fountain has gone the way of the prison on Monday, after receiving his award at the palace of justice of Quebec.
The victim had chosen to denounce her abuser four years ago, several years after the events, which were held between 2006 and 2008.
He denies it, his victim forgives
The victim said that he had found it very difficult to denounce. She chose to forgive him, she explained to the exit of the courtroom Monday, even if Fountain has denied the charges at his trial.
“I really want to move on to something else, I forgive and I do it for me. It was not even for it to be sentencé, I just wanted to move on to other things and others to know that they can succeed, to denounce, even if it is difficult,” said the victim, who must live with significant psychological sequelae, a decade later.
“I continue to move forward and I am proud of what I’ve done, despite the difficulty. I am proud to be where I am,” said the victim, who was found to be very long judicial proceedings, which are initiated in 2014.
The Crown called for a sentence of imprisonment of up to three years, while the Defence asked for a 12-month jail sentence for the accused, who is in his first stay behind bars.
The judge referred in particular to the gravity of the crimes committed and the psychological impact that the sexual touching had on the victim the reasons for its decision, at sentencing.
Nelson Fountain will be registered in the national sex offender Registry for life.