A statue of brother André back in Montérégie

News 25 March, 2018
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    Axel Marchand-Lamothe

    Sunday, 25 march, 2018 16:08

    Sunday, 25 march, 2018 16:08

    Look at this article

    A statue of saint brother André has been stolen in recent days in his hometown natal, in the Montérégie region.

    According to the sergeant-at-Louis-Philippe Bibeau of the Sûreté du Québec, the disappearance of the life-size statue was reported yesterday afternoon, but to date probably a few days.

    “We have no suspect for the moment “, he indicated.

    Alfred Bessette, better known under the name of brother André, is a native of Mont-Saint-Grégoire.

    The statue is part of a monument erected in 1945 on the ground where was located its original home at the intersection of the 3rd row and North of row of Large Wood.

    A few years ago, the bust of brother André, near the rectory of the city had also been stolen.

    He had finally been abandoned by the criminals a little later on, since it was made of fiber glass.