Nothing can erase the evil, remind us of the faithful

News 28 March, 2018
  • Photo Sophie Side
    Said Akjour has been reached by a bullet to the left shoulder during the shooting. Met by The Newspaper yesterday, the survivor has described the guilty plea of Alexander Bissonnette of ” relief “.

    Sophie Side

    Wednesday, 28 march 2018 21:35

    Wednesday, 28 march 2018 21:35

    Look at this article

    Of the faithful of the great mosque of Quebec have welcomed with a sigh of relief Wednesday, the confessions of Bissonnette. Even if nothing can undo the wrong that he has inflicted on their community, they recalled that the sentence that will be imposed to the one who savagely killed six of their 29 January 2017 remains the ultimate step of this whole process.

    It was a time of prayer to 13 p.m. Wednesday to the mosque of Sainte-Foy, whereas Alexander Bissonnette had just plead guilty to the palace of justice of Quebec city, ten kilometers from the place of the massacre.

    “It is a relief “, told in a first time, in the margins of the prayer, Said Akjour, was wounded in the shoulder during the shooting.

    If these confessions in order to avoid the holding of a long and painful trial, other steps in court before the sentencing should take place. “We’re going to take each thing in its time. The award, that’s the way it goes like justice ” was raised by the father of the family.

    For the ” award complete “

    For Ibrahim Sbai, who has lived on the shooting, it is imperative that the killer receives the heaviest sentences, which could amount to 150 years in prison.

    According to him, “nobody can do justice, here, on Earth,” the victims of this carnage. “We expect that justice full is made and in all cases, there is no one who can resolve the damage suffered by our community,” he said.

    “Children, there’s nobody who can replace their father. The least we can do is to give him the award completes a row “, expressed Mr. Sbai, stressing that Bissonnette ” ruined everything “, that violate “the serenity and the spirituality” of the place of worship, that the faithful are struggling to find.

    Even when the sentence of imprisonment has been pronounced, the page will not actually tour, they noted some. Because beyond that of the guilty pleas and sentences that Bissonnette will serve, the company is required to withhold lessons, recall of members of the muslim community of Quebec.

    Ask the right questions

    “As long as we have not been able to answer these two questions, we will not be able to turn the page : why it has happened to Quebec city ? And what is it necessary to make that it does not repeat itself ? ” has exposed Souheil Hassine.

    “Bissonnette is a product of the company. It is necessary that such a society is asking the right questions after the deed he has committed : why they produced a boy who goes to school, which is able to pass the act, and do all the wrong he has done ? “, for its part, stated Youssef El Aouamar, who was well acquainted with the victims fell under the bullets of the shooter.

    – With the collaboration of dr. Taïeb Moalla