Bagotville will be under high surveillance for the G7
Martin Lavoie
Thursday, 29 march, 2018 00:00
Thursday, 29 march, 2018 00:00
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The canadian government does not trifle with the security surrounding the Summit of the G7 and up to 1100 military and police will be based at the airport of Bagotville, in the Saguenay, where will the heads of State.
A document from the federal government invites companies to bid for food services. It encrypts the services to be provided “at about 500 police and 600 military personnel who will be on site every day, 24 hours on 24, according to the work shifts of 12 hours.”
The call for tenders covers the period from 1 may to 13 June, but it is from 6 to 9 June that the numbers will be a maximum. The Summit takes place on 8 and 9 June at the Manoir Richelieu in La Malbaie. The heads of State will make the trip from Bagotville, and the hotel in a helicopter.
3 body
The document details the stakeholders; the RCMP, the 3rd Wing of the armed Forces, which already operates at the base of Bagotville, and the 35th brigade Group. This last is a formation of the Army Reserve whose headquarters are in Quebec, but one of the 12 components is the Regiment du Saguenay, an infantry unit based in the Chicoutimi area.
The RCMP will be present from 4 to 10 June in Bagotville. The 35th Group-clamping will take the service with in the early 300 members as of 1 may and will remain in post until 13 June. The mandate of the 3rd Wing will focus on the period from 21 may to 12 June.
World affairs, Canada will, for its part, between 50 and 100 employees, and vendors on-site from 4 to 9 June. The document also provides necessary meals to 50 media representatives and 20 people from the Centre of operations for the period from June 7 to 9, as well as the refreshments for the VIP and delegates”.
To qualify, the tenderer must have completed at least one project including the preparation and service of meals on a daily basis for a minimum of 500 persons for a period of four consecutive weeks, during the past five years.”
Religion and allergies
The bidder shall also take into account the diets of individuals “associated in particular to religious reasons, health problems, to the exclusion of the glutens, food allergies, or illnesses are temporary (…) as a general precaution, no seafood or peanuts should not be on the menu.”
The contract also provides that at the height of the needs, for the period 4 to 10 June, the bidder can work without any delivery of the outdoors for a period of 48 hours. We request and “provide a fresh supply of food and drinking water sufficient for two days in order to meet the needs of members deployed in case of an unexpected emergency.”
The government also requests that the surplus which could not be the object of donations of food to be composted.