Instagram Stories would lose users at Snapchat!

Snapchat vs. Instagram, war is declared. If, until then, there was room for everyone in terms of ephemeral content, the situation becomes complicated for Snapchat …
Instagram or Snapchat, you will soon have to choose your side! There are a few weeks, the editorial ‘of meltyStyle did you know that the functionality Stories Instagram had surpassed the 150 million users per day, exactly the same number of users that Snapchat, according to latest figures released By the firm. A figure that shows the good form of ephemeral feature of Instagram, which is regularly full of small or big news . The arrival of Boomerang indications, through the integration of external links, we did not forget to introduce yourself, not even the arrival of the French live in the stories it two weeks ago. If we knew that all these tools managed to convince mobile users to engage in consultation and content productions fading in 24 hours on Insta, today we have just learned that this could clearly be at the expense of Snapchat . So, you too, you connect less and less often to the app to the ghost logo?
According to the website TechCrunch , based on accurate figures and a complete dossier, the hearing of Snapchat would drop sharply since Instagram launched its Stories last summer. Specifically, the United States, the audience would have declined by almost 40%, a figure that has something to give cold sweats to Evan Spiegel, the founder of the queen app (so far) of the ephemeral . Worse, the service would also be less and less downloaded by new users. “People post less on Snapchat. Some do not even posting anything” says Nick Cicero, the general manager of a production studio content of social networks, writing TechCrunch. So, the application will be able to raise the head and convince its users with new functionalities? We’re waiting to see! Instead, you’re Instagram Stories or Snapchat?