Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones shows have been like Johnny Hallyday lung cancer – Gala

Entertainment 7 August, 2017


Ronnie Wood, guitarist of the Rolling Stones since 1975 has revealed to have had surgery done last may of lung cancer. But fortunately the tumor has not spread, ” all is well ” now, ” I had a fucking chance ” was given the rocker of 70 years.

“How did I live 50 years by smoking non-stop, with all of my other bad habits ? There’s someone up there must love me. “, confided Ronnie Wood last year when he had just quit smoking a week before the birth of her twin daughters Gracie Jane and Alice Rose, her fifth and sixth children. Except that the ax is still falling. In fact, in an interview with the Daily Mail Online and published this Sunday, the second guitarist of the Rolling Stones has been found to have been diagnosed with cancer of the lung since, fortunately, defeated. A disease had appeared during a routine medical examination, there are three months of it.


The doctor came back in, announcing that I had this supernova burning in my left lung “, he said, referring to then the terrible waiting for test results to determine if the tumour had spread. “There was a week where everything could happen. It could be the clap of end, time to say goodbye. You never know what will happen “; and ensure that, whatever the verdict of the analyses, it would never have agreed to undergo chemotherapy : “No question to use the bayonet against my body. No question that it touches my hair “.


Ronnie Wood eventually learns that the cancer is ” not propagated ” and underwent an operation in an emergency : “Everything is going well now (…) They have treated early enough. I had a fucking chance “. The legendary guitarist of recognize not to be fallen of the clouds by learning the bad news, which confirmed that a life of excess – drugs, alcohol, etc ” I should not be there ! But I’ve always had a guardian angel is tough to watch over me “. Married to the producer of theatre Sally Humphreys, 39 years old, Ronnie Wood, now freed of this weight, continues to enjoy life by indulging in particular to the cuisine, pouponnant his two girls and watching tv series, when he’s not touring, of course.

Ronnie WoodMick Jagger

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