In the Leningrad region detained a migrant from Tajikistan, verbovka people to LIH

News 22 October, 2017

On the territory of Leningrad region, the police were able to arrest the leader of a cell of ISIS* (organization banned in Russia). The attacker arrived in the country from Tajikistan.


According to the materials of law enforcement bodies, the arrested person was considered the head of the gang in the North of the Russian capital and the region. The migrant was part of the searches of people who were interested in radical Islam. Recruited Islamists and with the help of WhatsApp messenger and Zello. The offender agitated people to take part in the fighting in the Middle East, a preliminary preparation for the organization and carrying out of terrorist acts in Russia.

Who cleared his house, law enforcement officers found in his home literature of the extremist maintenance, smartphones, SIM cards, laptop, weapons, and Bank card. Also managed to detain one of the potential fighters, recruited by the Tajik. It also was a newcomer from Asia.

* – The organization was prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation decision of the Supreme court