In Novosibirsk the fight with the shooting recorded on camera

News 11 December, 2017

In Novosibirsk the fight with the shooting recorded on camera surveillance. The conflict occurred on the ninth of December in the Railway area of the city, near the night club Alpen Grotte. Information about it spread by the local media.


On YouTube appeared a video, which depicted a fight. First, young people argue without battering it, but then emotions take precedence over reason and starts a fight. One guy holds the traumatic gun and aiming to shoot at enemies. The fight lasts a few minutes, then comes protection and disperse participants of the conflict.

The shooter runs away, but later he was detained by the police. The police seized the weapon and took the guy on his own recognizance. Earlier this young man was not prosecuted. In conflict with the legislation of the Russian Federation for 22 years. Users report that the city’s increase in such incidents, so no one is surprised this happened.