Brigitte Macron : why there is no photo of her ex-husband – Gala

Entertainment 22 December, 2017

first lady

This is not a secret that the first lady, was, before her marriage with Emmanuel Macron, was married and had three children. But if the presidential couple is since months under the spotlight, André-Louis Auzière remains a mystery for the press and the public.

Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte are a couple powerful policy whose history has helped to shape the legend. At 15 years, young Emmanuel falls in love with his drama teacher Brigitte Auzière, 24 years her senior. Professor of letters is three years old children, is married, but the young man will, with patience and tenacity, beating at the heart of its predecessor. It is strength to fight noise from hallway and malice that the couple forge the force that was able to push to the summit of power Emmanuel Macron.

But in this story, if we know well the children of Brigitte Trogneux – who has resumed her maiden name after her divorce – Laurence, Sebastian, and Tiphaine, the first husband of the first lady remains a mystery. Despite some rare information, the press as the public are unaware of his face as the details of his journey from banker. Tiphaine Auzière, cited by the magazine Capital, very close to his mother, and politically engaged in the current politics of his father-in-law, says : “My father is going very well, but he wishes to remain in anonymity. “For the moment, and this in spite of the exhibition is particularly impressive of the presidential couple, it is a success.

Photos credit : Stephane Lemouton / Bestimage

Brigitte TrogneuxEmmanuel Macron

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