Taiwan girl wife bit off testicle during sex : In the World : Vladim

News 29 December, 2017

In Taiwan after a man engaged in sexual intercourse with his wife, she bit off his right testicle. At the hospital, he stitched the scrotum,but to reattach the testicle were not in order not to contaminate it.


The ambulance arrived at the address, they met the injured man, with a bowl of rice in his hands, in which lay his right testicle.
His wife swore that she did it not on purpose, just in the throes of passion carried away by the process.

The victim was taken to the hospital, he stopped the bleeding and stitched the scrotum but not returned to the place of the egg to avoid infection.
Now the doctor explains that the man may be infertile.

It is known that the victim to work as a mechanic and wife they have two children together. It turned out, the couple man mental disorders that may have caused the incident.

Earlier it became known that the woman tore the egg to her lover because he refused to engage her in sexual intercourse.