In the United States the twins were born in different years : In the World : Vladim

News 2 January, 2018

A resident of California Maria de Jesus Ontiveros was in the hospital and gave birth to twins in different years – on the night of December 31 to January 1. The delivery was planned on January 27.


New year’s eve from the American city Alimat had to be hospitalized at regional medical center Delano. There she was, with a difference of 18 minutes, gave birth to twins.

The boy, born at 23:58 on the last day of 2017, called Joaquin. His sister, who was born in 2018, at 0:16, called Ateneu. Mother and babies are fine, they will soon go home.

Wife Maria and Joaquin are already raising 3 daughters. Now the family 5-ro children.