Why 3am is the witching hour?

Techno 3 January, 2018

2018-01-03 15:27

Why 3am is the witching hour?
There is a time when the dark forces gain a special power.

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In the ancient teachings it is written that every hour in the day has its own value, reports Rus.Media. There is a time when the dark forces gain a special power. People call it dimino hour. It comes at exactly 3am.

Witch’s hour — special time. During this period, with the dark knowledge we can do anything. It is believed that at this time, witch seek the assistance of a Spirit helper, which makes them omnipotent. They talk with aliens from the other world, raise the dead, produce magical rites. That’s the time that many use to say the conspiracy to punish the offender, as in this case, the spell will be more than effective.

People with a high level of intuition, more than once noticed that in three hours the night their sleep becomes restless, begins to suffer nightmares. Many admitted that at this time they are periodically visited by a strange and very frightening vision. Experts believe that this heightened concern is a bad sign.

In diminu hour should not leave the house, but if the need arises, it is necessary to have the Orthodox cross. It can serve as a reasonably effective protection against various kinds of troubles that can happen to a person at this time. In diminu hour it is impossible to wash. It is believed that the person taking the shower, bath or swim in the river at three in the morning, washes himself with their fate.

For example, if he lived in joy and prosperity, after washing with it can begin to happen very strange things. There were cases when people pamusis in the bath at 3am, came to the magicians and sorcerers and begged for help, as soon lost his fortune and the love of a loved one. Experts on the paranormal say that to correct such changes in the destiny of man, is very difficult.

To wash in the bath in this ill-fated hour is possible only in case if the person is still very bad and he thus wants to adjust his way of life. In this case it is possible, but it should be done very carefully, and certainly under the guidance of a shaman, able to carry out a special ceremony.

In people it is believed that a child born at the witch hour, will be unhappy. It is believed that a baby susceptible to disease. The woman who gave birth to a child at this time also is affected by supernatural forces. Professional shamans have told about how they had to work with young mothers, who claimed that after giving birth their physical and mental condition deteriorated with each passing day.

There are times when a person starts to Wake up exactly at 3am, in the beginning of the fourth hour. Sorcerers and shamans believe that it is not a coincidence. In this case we can speak about the phenomenon of capture of human souls by the dark forces. They are forced to Wake up at such a late hour. This insomnia can be torture for a very long time. It is believed that to overcome this phenomenon is possible only through a special ceremony, which will allow us to expel from human evil spirits.

Expert opinion

Those who believe in the existence of dark forces, it is important to remember certain rules, compliance with which will not allow a serious change of destiny. In addition, the witchy hour it is impossible to wash, to walk away from home, there are a number of restrictions. One example of this is folk belief, which prohibits at this time, comb your hair.

It is believed that this action can lead to the fact that the person may possess an evil spirit. However, in addition to a variety of prohibitions, there are also positive aspects, which is typical for this time of day. All charms, spells, fortune-telling is best done in hex hour.

This is especially true for plots to return the money, the removal of damage and omens. People who want to spend some magical rite, studying specialized literature and often laugh at the fact that conspiracies have to read it in three hours of the night. They consider it a mere formality invented by someone in order to create a mysterious atmosphere. However, all is not so simple and all the recommendations listed in these books are far from random. Currently, very often we hear the question, what to do if a person suffer from insomnia, nightmares or other unpleasant phenomena, and this happens usually at the witching hour.

It is logical to assume that out of that, one way or another connected with the dark forces. But for the believer this is not an option. This category of people dislike the very existence of witches, wizards and different evil spirits.

What witching hour does exist, there is no doubt. But experts claim that you should not panic fear this time of day. Man is always under divine protection, if he believes in it.