The London market was closed after the explosion of the ATM : In the World : Vladim

News 7 January, 2018

On-site London closed one of the biggest markets after the explosion of the ATM. According to police, an attempt was made to Rob the office.


Market, Camden Market, whereby the population of the British capital has the opportunity to make a budget purchase, closed this morning. Witnesses described a loud explosion local ATM. To date no information about victims or no victims. The robbers managed to escape before the arrival to the place of incident employees of law enforcement agencies. The site, which has undermined the ATM is already in the cordon.

In December in the Volkhov thief tried to blow up an ATM on the street Luk’yanova, but failed. He managed to damage the structure, but to a lesser degree, the money, the attacker was never captured. Assessing the situation, he hastened to escape from the crime scene.