Residents of the Netherlands massively raped sex robots In the World : Vladim

News 8 January, 2018

In the Netherlands, Foundation for Responsible Robotics initiated a bill that would impose punishment for rape sex-robot man. This measure intend to use for fear of mass rape robots.


The organizers of the bill introducing punishment for violent actions of sexual nature committed against a sex robot, suggests that soon the use of robots for sex will get mass distribution. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of increased crimes committed by rapists and killers, who thus can get a way with impunity to satisfy lust.

The introduction of rules and restrictions in the area of sexual life of the Netherlands, according to the researchers, prostimulirujte restrained behavior of citizens, maintain the moral principles.

In 2016, it was reported about the case in the Netherlands, when the female victim of rape in her Teens, was asked about euthanasia (voluntary death), and the doctors granted her request. Woman for many years suffered from depression, which was unable to cope. The procedure of euthanasia is allowed in the Netherlands since 2001.