Guillaume Canet and Marion Cotillard, Stromae and Coralie Barbier… These celebs, who work in pairs – Gala

Entertainment 26 January, 2018


These duos do leave never, even at work. How to find the right distance in order to flourish in custom mode like in pro mode ? Lesson of savoir-vivre…

In a couple, 1 + 1 = 3. There are two people… and a third thief : the couple. A composition moving, changing. Then when the job and the career are involved, the balance-to find and preserve. After eighteen years of common life, the choreographers and dancers Marie-Claude Pietragalla and Julien Derouault are faced with a certain routine. “So much that we chose to work together,” confided the former star of the Paris Opera. In full promo-I met you by chance, in 2016, the duo explained to us have wished for this show to return to the great archetypes of love. ” It can be seen as a freudian analysis of our couple, of course. Artists are still using their neuroses, their questions. This is creation, there is nothing immodest “, stated Marie-Claude Pietragalla. The creation, a source of emulation which forces us to renew, re-invent themselves. “With the risk that the more time that passes, the more individual requirements do not specify, differentiate, to the point that the duo did the same thing to express themselves “, explains the psychoanalyst Delphine Scetbon.

A risk that is overcome by the singer Stromae and his wife, the stylist Coralie Barbier, who have jointly created the brand Mosaert – an anagram of Stromae – bring clothes their universe. “We are bound by our tastes in common. We have very, very rarely differences. Our way of work ? I have an idea, I make a collage. He imagined more music “, said the Namuroise to Paris Match. All of the art is that the creative one doesn’t take the top on the other. Very control freak, according to his words, Stromae seems to have found the right tempo. “With this project, I wanted to control everything, however it is necessary to trust people. […] But for some time, I let go, I let Cora move forward alone, even if we talk about it… ” ” When one has enough distinct spaces, the work becomes like a proposal of adventure, a way out of the beaten track “, confirms the marriage therapist Delphine Scetbon.

Evelyne Bouix and Pierre Arditi are in the theatre the most delicious way not to leave. “ Our couple, it takes on the boards with us. Of course, it has a life of so-called private, but the actor always uses pieces of himself to feed his characters “, said Pierre Arditiau JDD in 2015. And if the banality of everyday life had cast its shadow on their sublime complicity, the magic of the stage wake up in a blaze. Denis Brogniartet his wife Hortense, who have long collaborated on the filming of Koh-Lanta, in command of the issue, she, among other things, to the realization of the portraits of the candidates, are past masters in the art of never get bored. “Hortense is of all of my adventures. It is a special time for our couple. Outside of the routine, away from our habits of paris, ” explained the facilitator. This shared experience enables them to be projected on a screen protected where they can express things to them that would not be tolerated in daily life “, analysis of the therapist. As a role-playing game where each must find its place, even in the imbalance. Without getting lost en route.

Marie-Claude Pietragalla & Julien Derouault. The orders of the company Theatre of the Body, the duo of dancers and choreographers, has laid bare his love story in the show I met you by chance. “We feel the same things, and yet we have our own specificities, we try to be complementary “, says Marie-Claude Pietragalla. A pas de deux which fuels the artistic fruitfulness and vitality of their couple.

Marion Cotillard & Guillaume Canet . In 2016, in the comedy Rock ‘ n ‘ roll, where they play their own role, the two actors were delighted to be put in the abyss of the love story. During the promotion of the film, always on the wire between fiction and reality, they had engaged in a battle of good child on Instagram by posting pictures uproarious of their half. Or the art of always surprising…

Stefano Gabbana & Domenico Dolce. The end of their idyll, formalized in 2005, has not marred the creativity of the founders of the legendary Italian house Dolce & Gabbana. No question of rivalry between them, nor that can take power on the other, the two designers are moving forward as a single man in a world where the sublimation is queen.

Read. In her new book, to be released on February 8, Dr. Sylvain Mimoun, gynecologist and marriage therapist for the past twenty-five years, was bending over the cradle of our love. Among the recipes that he gives us for a happy union : to banish the law of all or nothing, act first, think later, or even living in the moment. And most importantly, do not forget in the story ! Selfishness sharing ! Dr Sylvain Mimoun, with François Ducroux, with a preface by Dr. Michel Cymes (ed Eyrolles).

Photo credits : BOV / Bestimage

StromaeMarie-Claude Pietragalla

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