Killed, but not boys, In the Chelyabinsk region, poachers shot and killed the inspector of the hunting management Department for two ROE deer : Crime news : Vladim
As you know from law enforcement, February 10, in the Chelyabinsk region, Kartalinsky area, close to the station, the Cuff, in the woods found a dead body. The inspection process revealed a gunshot wound. Opened a criminal case, the victim worked in the hunting management Department of kartalinsky district.
The same day investigators literally on the trail tracked down the killer. He was a man from the city of Kartaly. A poacher illegally made the hunt that was the reason of the hunting management Department to check, trying to escape from an employee of the Agency, the attacker struck shot.
At the moment, is elected by the punishment of the murderer under the criminal code, the suspect faces 15 years ‘ prison. The “hunter” does not agree with his guilt. The interior Ministry of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region learned that the defendant already had the experience of committing crimes. Male born in 1970 once he was convicted.