A coalition to address violence against women

News 4 March, 2018
  • QMI agency

    Sunday, 4 march 2018 15:53

    Sunday, 4 march 2018 15:56

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    MONTREAL | fifteen quebec organizations coming to the aid of women have joined their efforts in creating a coalition to oppose violence against women.

    “Our goal is to hook the government and the political parties to remind them of their obligations and responsibilities to all abused women,” said Viviane Michel, president of Quebec native Women, in a press release published on Sunday.

    The coalition intends to use the international women’s Day, which will be held on march 8, to hear its claims. The various organizations are claiming to be able to meet the leaders of political parties in Quebec “for they undertake to combat vigorously the issue of violence against women”.

    “The political parties we will be on their way during the election campaign. We will take all means to make ourselves heard,” said Stephanie Tremblay, a spokesperson for the Regroupement québécois des centres d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel.

    The coalition also intends to maintain the special rapporteur of the United Nations responsible for the violence against women, the Croatian Dubravka Šimonović, on the difficulties experienced by women in Québec, “in particular in connection with the justice system.” Ms. Šimonović should come do a tour in the province next April.