A French product for a cocktail here

News 17 December, 2017
  • Photo By Pascal Huot
    Catherine Monna invites the SAQ to rectify the situation and to make you taste the “Quebec Royal” with Québec products.

    Arnaud Koenig-Soutière

    Sunday, 17 dec 2017 00:00

    Sunday, 17 dec 2017 00:00

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    A producer local complains that the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) to put forward a French product in its tastings, integrating it with the cocktail “emblematic of Quebec” declared by the corporation, in the context of a competition.

    The ” Quebec Royal “, a kir ” reinvented “, was the grand prize winner of this contest. In particular, it is composed of vodka, sparkling cider and blackcurrant liqueur.

    The original recipe, which comes from the public, includes only quebec products. However, several branches of the SAQ were to taste the cocktail with the liqueur of cassis the French, accused the producer of ” island of Orleans.

    “I have received e-mails from people completely puzzled, who were outraged that we had to taste this cocktail iconic with crème de cassis Lejay, a cream, european, industrial, which is less expensive,” says Catherine Monna, co-owner of Cassis Monna & Filles.

    Least expensive

    “This one understands, pretends it is, is that each branch had the choice of taking the products of their choice, and, among other things, we passed the word to the house that the cream of cassis French was less expensive,” she said.

    The cream of cassis French used in the wine is comprised of about two times cheaper than that of Cassis Monna & Filles. Ms. Monna is estimated that the French liqueur ” can work, but not in this context “.

    Photo courtesy

    Several branches of the SAQ, according to Ms. Monna, did try the cocktail with French liqueur, as The Journal was found on this photo.

    “There should be a clear directive that this official cocktail should be done with the products of Quebec, that this is my cream or the cream of a other producer, or the vodka of the one or the other… But at least, a product of québec “, she insists, adding that “the SAQ has the financial capacity” to serve as a product ” a little more upscale “.

    “I do not think that in France, they would make a national cocktail with the spirits of South Africa and the west Indies. It should come with pride and take on the value of the products of quebec, ” says Catherine Monna.

    No one was available at the headquarters of the SAQ, Saturday, to answer questions from the Newspaper.

    Cassis Monna & Filles

    • 2nd generation of a family business, founded 25 years ago
    • 16 hectares of cultivation of black currant
    • 50 000 bottles sold per year
    • 35 employees
    • 13 prizes awarded to their crème de cassis