A game to empower the young people on the social networks

News 20 March, 2018
  • Photo Elisa Cloutier
    Francis Maltese, 15 years old and Yanick Meas-Office, 17 years of age, think they have learned on their use of social networks by playing the game Net.

    Elisa Cloutier

    Tuesday, 20 march 2018, 16:30

    Tuesday, 20 march, 2018 16:52

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    Developed by stakeholders from the youth of the secondary, the new game of company NET allows the teenagers to learn more about the dangers of social networking, while raising awareness of the safe use of smart phones.

    Launched yesterday by the Table of preventive Actions youth (TAPJ) to the Jacques-Cartier, the new game company interactive aims to inform the students of the secondary effects of social networks on psychological health, physical and mental, and even on their future employment.


    “Aware also of the fact that what you put on Facebook, your bosses will see later, even if at 16 years old, they do not have a boss, one day they will,” said Francis Soulard, the creator of the game NET and coordinator of the Maison des jeunes de St-Émile.

    Through the game of society, which invites young people to use their smart phone to answer some questions, it also explains how to secure a personal profile on social networks.

    The cyberdépendance and child pornography are also addressed in the questions, prepared by the police officers of the city of Quebec and sexologists.

    Elisa Cloutier

    “For example, there are the questions “true or false” in which we asked, for example : if you take a photo of your girlfriend naked and send it to a friend, can you be accused of child pornography. The answer is yes,” says Mr. Soulard.

    “It is interesting to learn about the law on sexual consent, or the disclosure of private information,” says Francis Maltese, 15 years old.


    For Yanick Meas-Office, 17 years, this is the game that made him realize that he had become cyberdépendant. “The game allowed me to realize that I was addicted and I spent less time with my family,” said a student of fourth secondary, which tells to be increased from eight to four hours of time per day, spent on the internet. “It has allowed me to create myself restrictions”, he adds.

    Photo Courtesy

    Currently distributed in around a hundred schools of Québec city, Lévis, Charlevoix and Portneuf, Rézo is also available on order to the address jeurezo.com.