A man could lose an eye by puncturing a button

News 27 August, 2017
  • Photo courtesy
    The infection had begun to spread on the side of the right eye of Gabriel Chalifoux, but the doctors do not believe that a second drainage will be necessary.

    Amélie St-Yves

    Saturday, 26 August, 2017 21:03

    Saturday, 26 August, 2017 21:03

    Look at this article

    THREE RIVERS, | A man could lose the sight of the left side because he simply wanted to poke a button containing a bacteria that is then spread into the tissue around the eye.

    In mid-August, Gabriel Chalifoux attempted to gouge a button that he had above his left eye with a pair of eyebrows. It had all the appearances of a button acne ordinary, but it’s more painful.

    It has opened the skin, but there was no flow.

    What he didn’t know was that the bump was a boil that contains staph bacteria, and that in attempting to puncture, it has in fact pushed the infection further into his eye.

    The whole began to swell in the hours that followed, to the point where he was struggling to open it. He tried to calm the inflammation with compresses of hot and cold water, but nothing made there. It is then presented to the hospital of Trois-Rivières.

    Two spoons

    Doctors made a small incision in the left eyebrow of Gabriel Chalifoux on the same evening of the consultation, and have released at least two tablespoons of infected fluid that had accumulated all around his eye in the space of three days.

    “The response has been extremely painful. It has not frozen at the maximum. I felt when they made the incision and when they were pushed into my eye to make out the villain. I lamentais a little “, he says.

    He is glad not to have waited even longer.

    “The doctors told me that if I had waited 24 to 48 hours longer, it would have been able to get in the back of my eye and that I would have been able to lose the sight of the left eye “, he says.

    In addition to the drainage, he has been sentenced to 10 days of treatment, during which he had to come to the hospital daily to replace a wick a few inches under his skin. This prevents the wound from closing while there is still bacteria. It also took antibiotics during this period.


    The ophthalmologist and retinal specialist at the Maisonneuve-Rosemont hospital, Renaud Duval, confirms that in rare cases, an infection of the tissue around the eye becomes cellulitis orbital, and may cause blindness if not treated in time.

    “Sometimes, the infection causes swelling of the tissues around the eye, which itself is in a small bone cavity. If the tissue is taking up more and more space because they are infected, the optic nerve comes to be compressed. And it is more often the mechanism by which there may be a loss of vision “, he explains.

    Gabriel Chalifoux, host of the web capsules Grey Area, is disappointed to have to leave the shoots a few weeks, the time to take a better. But it now wants to raise awareness of the people to be vigilant, and considers that he was lucky to get by without sequelae.

    ► The family of staph is very common, and it was all on the skin, according to Dr. Renaud Duval. Some sub-types, however, are more aggressive and may seek to enter the body through lesions and can cause infection of tissues.