A man targeted by gunfire in Laval

News 26 March, 2018
  • Pascal Girard/QMI AGENCY

    QMI agency

    Monday, 26 march, 2018 04:34

    Monday, 26 march, 2018 04:34

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    LAVAL – A man of 21 years has been the target of gunfire in the night from Sunday to Monday, in Laval.

    The event occurred shortly after midnight, in the parking lot of a housing tower located in place de La Belle-Rive.

    According to the Service de police de Laval, the man would not have been injured, but was transported to the hospital in a state of shock.

    The young man refuses to cooperate with the police. A stage has been erected and investigators will be on-site to analyze the scene.

    No arrest has been made. The motive for the incident remains unknown.