A new boom lyric for Philippe Couillard

News 19 December, 2017
  • Photo Simon Clark/QMI Agency
    The prime minister Philippe Couillard.

    Marie-Renée Grondin

    Tuesday, 19 December 2017 11:21

    Tuesday, 19 December 2017 11:21

    Look at this article

    After reciting a poem to Sylvain Gaudreault, when he asked his last question in the room as the interim leader of the Parti québécois (PQ), the prime minister does it again with a new boom lyric.

    This time, like a true poet, Philippe Couillard was inspired by the “new Quebec” that he wishes to build.

    It is in an advertising campaign on Facebook that the prime minister has published his work, accompanied by a video of the speech that he delivered during the closing ceremony of the 33rd Congress of the members of the liberal Party.

    Quebecers prefer optimism to pessimism.
    The hope of the doubt.
    The rally at the division.
    The impossible is what has not been done yet.
    Our history is full of impossibilities of yesterday that we have made possible today.
    This is the time to forge ahead.
    This is the time to forge ahead together.
    Once again.
    This is the time to build a new Quebec.