A pregnant 29-year-old virgin intends to continue to live without intercourse : In the World : Vladim

News 18 February, 2018

The future 29-year-old mother of a child conceived by artificial insemination, never had sex, because her Orthodox religious views are not welcome. The girl said that after the birth and does not plan to have sex.


Due to the late sexual maturation of the girl, her body does not produce the hormones needed for birth. Congenital hypopituitarism and gave virgin the decision. After all, doctors and relatives were against the birth and fertilization in the usual way – it’s a big risk.

Being a victim of bullying for not formed breast, excess weight and bad teeth girl closed in on itself. Even after becoming adult and independent, she was not able to trust the person of the opposite sex. But it’s Lauren do not mind, because soon she will give birth to her first child and, thus, will remain intact.

First, the expectant mother has offered donor eggs, but fortunately, once passed all her treatments, went private. The girl went against all: relatives, members of Orthodox religious communities, doctors. Now she’s pregnant with his long-awaited happiness. The opinions of others do not interest her. She knows how it will be better.